Example sentences of "[num] and for [art] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Why do the live birth figures for the last two quarters of 1985 and for the whole of 1985 appear as rounded thousands ?
2 Towards the end of Year II , some students undertake a six-week period of placement or work experience in a record office , museum or folk park ; others follow a specially-designed short course which prepares them for Year III and for the world of work beyond graduation .
3 Finally , we have shown that our results have implications for the evolution of human chromosome 10 and for the organisation of genes around its centromere .
4 A call from the Presidency on Aug. 6 for a ceasefire from 6 a.m. on Aug. 7 and for the withdrawal of Serbian and Croatian forces out of each other 's range within 12 hours had little impact and fresh attacks were launched near Glina and in Vukovar .
5 It has been estimated that the pope was compulsorily absent for more than half the century between 1099 and 1198 and for a total of 67 years in the next century ( 1198 – 1304 ) .
6 In fact a gold standard operated in the international economy prior to 1914 and for a period after the First World War .
7 A draft State Ecological Programme , published on June 28 , 1989 , called for 400,000 million roubles to be spent , for an end to discharges of effluent into lakes and rivers by 2000 and for a halving of atmospheric pollutants by 2005 .
8 I was at a conference in Berlin on Wednesday that was attended by ministers of the interior for the Twelve and for the countries of eastern Europe .
9 The talks produced agreement in principle on Feb. 3 to work for a ceasefire by Feb. 15 and for the release by March 1 of all hostages taken by rival Azerbaijani and Armenian militias , and to establish permanent relations between the two organizations .
10 [ For election defeat of incumbent President Mathieu Kerekou in Benin on March 24 and for the victory of Miguel Trovoada in the Sao Tomé and Príncipe presidential elections on March 3 see this page . ]
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