Example sentences of "[num] of the few [noun pl] on " in BNC.

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1 Nowadays , struggling on in the name of Islamic socialism , Algeria is a place of austerity , one of the few countries on earth where you ca n't get Coca-Cola .
2 Probyn is one of the few players on the international scene to have played the game at every level : from Old Albanians , Streatham and Croydon through Richmond and Wasps to the first of his 33 caps in 1988 .
3 Asthma is one of the few diseases on the increase in Britain said Simon Hughes , the party 's environment spokesman .
4 ‘ The bottom line ’ , says one western ambassador , ‘ is that he is one of the few leaders on this continent who appears to care about his people and we therefore trust him to do the right thing . ’
5 When the idea of a Royal Commission was in circulation , lawyers within the ranks of the Government , notably Sam Silkin , the Attorney General and one of the few front-benchers on either side to have taken a close interest in penal reform , and Alex Lyon , a Minister of State at the Home Office , pressed for the opportunity to be grasped to make an authoritative assessment of the arguments for a public prosecution service independent of the police .
6 OPPOSITE ABOVE : Suttons Mill at Cranham , one of the few mills on the Painswick stream having no connection with the cloth trade .
7 After passing the welcome but rather unexpected Sportsman 's Inn , the river is re-crossed at Stone House Bridge , one of the few places on this narrow highway where there is space to park a few cars .
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