Example sentences of "[num] years [to-vb] the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It took her six years to mention the second child to me , and because of the way she 's been towards me , I 've never had an avenue to find out whether he was my son or not . ’
2 It was the consummation of a campaign waged for five or six years to change the acceptable face of the unemployed into the unacceptable face of the scrounger .
3 It was to take eight years to produce the entire series .
4 Since becoming the first Scot in 35 years to win the Amateur title at Carnoustie last year , Dundas has known that he would be playing in the US Masters at Augusta and Open Championship at Royal St George 's , and now he has received an invitation to the US Open , to be played at Baltusrol , New Jersey , on 17-20 June .
5 The two issues at the heart of the disagreement are those which have killed at birth any attempt in the past dozen years to address the Palestinian question : Who speaks for the Palestinians and what are the limits of the Palestinian problem ?
6 An extra £310 million would be allocated in 1991 and £1,250 million over three years to extend the existing system of transitional relief to those whose bills had increased by £100 per year or more ( £150 previously ) , benefiting a further 4,000,000 people in addition to the 7,500,000 already covered ; and adjustments were made to help those faced with charges for second homes or for joint business/residential premises and those in areas being phased out of the " safety net " arrangements applying in 25 local authorities .
7 All EC states would be given three years to introduce the necessary legislation except for the UK , which had strongly opposed the proposal and was given 10 years to implement it [ see also p. 38658 for UK option to withdraw from social policy aspects of European Union ] .
8 With Caroline Seebohm , Miss Campbell took three years to write the 160-page book , which is published in February by Arum Press .
9 In any case , the ship , fast as it was , would take a thousand years to reach the nearest star .
10 It 's taken ten years to convert the whole farm and today it offers a vision of what organic farms of the future could look like .
11 Mrs Mainwaring founder of the Halton Accident Emergency Campaign has waged a one-woman campaign for nine years to see the new town hospital is completed with the provision of full services .
12 This process is aided and abetted by the trend over the past twenty years to encourage the active participation of fathers in the process of childbirth itself .
13 Nowell , a solicitor , and his wife Penny have taken thirty years to develop the lovely garden at Baubles which now boasts ornamental and wildlife ponds and a wide variety of trees , shrubs , a tennis court and a swimming pool .
14 Unfortunately , once the initial silting has taken place , the weathering of the ditch is very slow , and such experiments need to run for a period of over a hundred years to gain the maximum results .
15 The Barcelona festival is the most enjoyable , experimental stop on what Gibson jokingly calls the ‘ virtual rubber chicken circuit ’ , a global network of theoretical conferences , trade fairs and arty think tanks which has developed over the last two years to tap the millennial fascination with virtual reality .
16 After careful consideration of the complaints , I have decided that section 43 of the Weights and Measures Act 1985 should be implemented and that the trade should be allowed two years to make the necessary changes .
17 The government 's troubled privatization programme , aimed at raising US$18,000 million over two years to reduce the foreign debt , began on Oct. 24 with the sale of Usiminas , the country 's largest steel mill .
18 It only took him another four years to feel the same way .
19 It took Cuckney four years to overcome the financial crisis he encountered when he took over the Crown Agents in 1974 .
20 It will take another 20 years to complete the original link between the Severn and the Thames .
21 It has taken me seven years to find the right school for my son .
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