Example sentences of "[num] which be [vb pp] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 It 's an ex-London Midland and Scottish Railway Class 5P4F 2-6-0 No. 42765 which was born between the wars at Crewe Works in 1927 .
2 From these librations , and from J 2 which is obtained from the orbits of spacecraft , C can be calculated .
3 And they were the sort of corsets that gave you the the straight boyish look that was necessary for the clothes of the twenties and the early thirties which were cut on the cross .
4 This may be a consequence of the precedents of the Disabled Persons Act 1986 which is acknowledged within the NHS and Community Care Act .
5 The NUC formulated a national unification programme in early 1991 which was endorsed by the KMT in March [ see p. 38098 ] .
6 One of the specialist relocation companies , Merrill Lynch Relocation Management International , sponsored a ‘ Study Of Employee Relocation Policies Among Major UK Companies ’ in 1984 which was conducted by the Harris Research Centre by a poll among ‘ The Times Top 1000 companies ’ .
7 It is a pity that the brewers did not follow the example offered by The Clements Arms , Coventry Road , Bordesly , Birmingham , where there is an interior of the 1870s which was restored in the mid 1980s by cleaning and a lick of paint .
8 Tens of thousands of Serbs took part in an anti-war demonstration in Belgrade on May 31 which was organized by the parliamentary opposition parties — the Serbian Renaissance Movement ( SPO ) and the Democratic Party .
9 Some are originals from the 2 million documents dating back to the early 1600s which are stored in the Hydrographic Office , and some are sophisticated copies made from the originals used 50 years ago .
10 There are a number of amendments to Schedule 5 which are directed at the same broad objective though they go somewhat further than the suggestions I have described .
11 Revelation fourteen and lo a lion was standing on the Mount Zion and with him a Hundred and Forty and four thousand which were redeemed from the Earth .
12 In the draft budget for 1992 which was approved by the Cabinet on Sept. 4 spending on defence was set to rise by 6 per cent , bringing it to 14,800 million shekels ( US$4,770 million ) .
13 Appendix ten which is attached to the erratum sheet , it 's the seventh page , you 'll see there that you 've got in front of you all the figures that were really erm concerned with in favour of the and amend er the report on lines fifty four A and fifty four B showing two hundred thousand pounds savings on school meals and you will see that reflected in the columns headed Conservatives , Labour and Liberal Democrats and those are consistent with the resolution papers that are in front of you .
14 The Trustees made a recommendation to that effect to the Bedfordshire LEA in 1930 which was accepted by the county 's Adult Education Subcommittee as the scheme ‘ had been conducted on sound lines , was distinctly encouraging , that the particular tutor-organiser was exactly the right person required ’ .
15 The instructions needed to set the printer into bit-image mode are called escape codes because each instruction is preceded by the ASCII code 27 which is generated by the ESC or ESCAPE key on a terminal keyboard .
16 The leading case on the requirement of reasonableness arose , not under the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 , but under the earlier provisions of the Supply of Goods ( Implied Terms ) Act 1973 which were replaced by the 1977 Act .
17 He is the star of the 45-second Yellow Pages plug of 1982 which was screened for the following eight years , setting something of a record in advertising circles .
18 Mr speaker I beg to move that the draft European parliamentary constituency 's England order nineteen ninety four erm the draft European parliamentary constituency 's Wales order nineteen ninety four which were laid before the house on the twentieth of January together with the draft European parliamentary election changes to the franchise and qualification of representatives regulations nineteen ninety four which were laid on the second of February , be approved .
19 Mr speaker I beg to move that the draft European parliamentary constituency 's England order nineteen ninety four erm the draft European parliamentary constituency 's Wales order nineteen ninety four which were laid before the house on the twentieth of January together with the draft European parliamentary election changes to the franchise and qualification of representatives regulations nineteen ninety four which were laid on the second of February , be approved .
20 This latter one puts right a mistake in the description of the basis for distributing the distributable amount for ninety three four which was approved by the house on the eighth of February nineteen ninety three .
21 They did not hit volume product on the Model 41s which is anticipated by the end of this quarter and are on plan for the 52s and 54s .
22 Reiner reviews the studies on police typifications of the public and he focuses on seven which are identified in the literature — ‘ goad-class villains ’ , people so powerless that they are ‘ police property ’ , the ‘ rubbish ’ , ‘ challengers ’ , ‘ disarmers ’ , ‘ do-gooders ’ , and ‘ politicians ’ ( 1985 : 94–7 ) .
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