Example sentences of "[num] and at the same [noun] " in BNC.

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1 As stated above production has almost halved since 1979 and at the same time the price of its premium Bonny light crude has fallen from $40 per barrel to $28.65 and is always threatened by the North Sea producers .
2 China had established diplomatic relations with Russia on Dec. 27 , 1991 and at the same time recognized the 10 other republics of the Commonwealth of Independent States ( CIS ) and Georgia .
3 For example , the index of the information system was computerised in 1986 and at the same time was expanded , and made to encompass extensive cross-referencing ( see Figure 5.3 ) .
4 That in line with the Area Staff Commission , Coordinators discuss with all area secretaries and their secretarial assistants Christian Aid 's invitation to secretarial assistants to come onto the payroll at sometime during eighteen months beginning 1st October , 1991 at grate IV and at the same number of hours worked at present .
5 seven thousand five hundred and seventy nine and at the same period last year which is November nineteen ninety two we have seven thousand eight hundred and forty three
6 This was agreed in February 1906 and at the same time the order for a further 14 cars of the smaller type , to work the Sutton route , was cancelled when it was realized that the fifteen ‘ Croydon & District ’ cars dumped on the site of Mitcham Road Depôt ( Aurelia Road ) would have to be taken into the South Metropolitan fleet .
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