Example sentences of "[num] and [verb] [pers pn] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 I peeled off five hundreds and gave them to the officer .
2 Six and moving it to the afternoon yes , it 's er a nice question .
3 Son a Southwark hat manufacturer , Vaughan purchased Constable 's ‘ Haywain ’ from Christie 's in 1866 and presented it to the National Gallery , London that year .
4 Trace the promise Badges on page 31 and glue them onto the bookmark .
5 Mr Rooker , MP for Perry Barr in Birmingham , discovered the existence of the POWs Fund in 1976 and publicised it in the Midlands .
6 Sheppard modelled the statue in 1911–12 and exhibited it for the first time in 1914 .
7 Winchelsey learnt of this bull in December 1296 and published it in the assembly of January 1297 , called to consider the royal demand made in November on which they had deferred a decision .
8 After this period you will have to apply again by filling in a new claim form AG 1 and sending it to the Agency Benefits Unit ( see address on page 22 ) .
9 It 's ten minutes past nine and joining us on the line this morning is er Judy in York good morning Judy .
10 He also purchased seven drawings attributed to Michelangelo from the Woodburn sale at Christie 's in 1887 and gave them to the British Museum ( five are still accepted as autograph ) .
11 I seemed to remember he had one and put it at the back of one of his chairs , and
12 She lit one and carried it into the ballroom , where the silver light from a large moon cast shadows on to the wood floor .
13 After deliberating for a little while , the priest selected one and carried it towards the fire .
14 The fan sucks air in through one and expels it from the other , ensuring a healthy , steady flow of air over the motherboard .
15 Well Mrs Toad is having a sale in her shop + + she has laid out her caish + cash register + + an' a number of pots of tea + + it 's gon na be a special sale because + + so she has th' + a sign up saying + prices are slashed + so she hopes lots of customers will be coming along + to visit her + + while she ‘ s waiting for customers + she goes about setting out the rest of + of the shop + + for things in the sale + + an ’ she brings on + large cans of tin + of tea + + for + she can only carry one at a time + so she walks on with one and puts it on the counter + +
16 Alexei took one and nocked it to the bow .
17 A generous ( anonymous ) benefactor has purchased MiG21F Fishbed-C Red 77 and MiG-23BN Flogger-H Red 23 and donated them to the Museum , where reassembly is underway .
18 He won East Bristol in 1900 and retained it in the general elections of 1906 and 1910 .
19 As she passed the new couple her beach bag caught the Factor 15 and knocked it off the table .
20 She removed the veil , tore it in two and threw it on the floor . ’
21 This had immediate commercial implications and the Government suffered an overnight conversion , bringing forward the first Data Protection Bill in February 1983 and reviving it after the election later in the year .
22 Mr Osenat nevertheless put the paintings up for sale at their estimate , FFr2.5 million and sold them in the space of a few seconds to the town 's Mayor ( who is also , ironically , Chairman of the Board of the Hospital ) , who then donated them to the museum on behalf of the town .
23 He took it along to Stationers ' Hall on 2 November 1691 and entered it in the Stationers ' Register to establish copyright of a sort :
24 A two-goal flourish in the 3-0 win at Sheffield Wednesday lifted his Premier League tally to seven and thrust him into the frame for an England debut in Spain on Wednesday .
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