Example sentences of "[num] very [adj] [noun] of [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Several groups of them specialise in this diet and each has evolved a long sticky tongue entirely independently : a marsupial , the numbat , in Australia ; a distant relative of primitive antelopes , the aardvark in Africa ; the pangolins of Asia and Africa which are covered in a mail of horny plates so that they resemble giant animated fir-cones ; and the three very different ant-eaters of South America , the gazelle-sized giant of the savannahs , the squirrel-sized pygmy from the forest canopy , and the monkey-sized tamandua from its mid-storey .
2 One very small point of procedure is worth noting : at a first glance at this example there appears to be a redundancy of the indication pp , but on closer examination it is seen that it has never been used unnecessarily , for where it appears on the same line of the score in two successive bars the first of the pair of instruments whose parts are written on that line enters alone , and the second joins him in the next bar .
3 It 's easy to make one very expensive roll of wallpaper stretch all round a room which , if you could ever afford it , would normally take lo or I 2 rolls .
4 You had one very good piece of news , which was ‘ During the past year the Environmental Health Department has run fifteen courses for food handlers , and one hundred and eighty-seven people have passed the examination . ’
5 If there was any doubt , there 's one very nice curl of metal swarf , shed from the shoe , bang in the middle of one of those prints .
6 One very useful consequence of Lemma 3 above is that , if we want to prove a new algebraic law , it will usually be sufficient to prove it for finite programs , for example , consider the law unc This ( the conventional binary associative law of SEQ ) is not trivially deducible fro our existing laws , even though it is semantically true .
7 Though he extended these four levels into seventeen very specific levels of mechanisation , we need not concern ourselves here with that level of detail .
8 Yet in The Four Temperaments he revealed very clearly and subtly how four very different types of person react to the mood suggested by Hindemith 's music , whilst using his particular style of classical dance ( see page 54 ) .
9 They are the eyes of the monster , red and evil and calculating , and they are watching us , those eyes , and thinking : oh yes , here are two very useful morsels of Humanity
10 ‘ The Superspec houses are a response to two very strong areas of demand in the homes market , ’ says Wimpey Homes Middlesbrough 's regional director , Euan Cresswell .
11 There are two very strong pieces of evidence confirming that the examples of inherently restrictive predicative adjectives accompanied by articles must indeed be regarded as entity-identifying expressions : First , they can quite generally appear where entity expressions appear , including positions which are not even superficially available to an ordinary adjective : ( 24 ) the rudest came from your cousin she gave motherly advice to a second , and a stern warning to a third the oldest of the aircraft should be scrapped ( 25 ) the honest deserves the appointment Bert offered a peanut to the untidy the elegant of the vases lay on its side
12 These two very distinct areas of work proved compatible largely because the basic skills of writing are the same for most people and for most purposes .
13 The distinction here is between two very distinct schools of harpsichord-making ; a tradition carried on by native craftsmen who flourished during the first 25 years of the 18th century and an imported tradition initiated by Hermann Tabel that displaced its native rival as effectively as a cuckoo might take charge in a sparrow 's nest .
14 And even here in his recourse to Jakobson 's use of the two terms , Barthes is referring to two very broad principles of combination in language and not ( as Todorov does ) to specific grammatical categories .
15 ‘ In the second coat pocket we found two very large pieces of wood , and inside them were great pieces of metal , very sharp .
16 When Mrs Gray had produced two very passable cups of coffee , they seated themselves at the long deal kitchen table .
17 ‘ Obviously such a situation poses a serious problem in that we have two very senior members of management operating in the service without any constraints of consultation and negotiation at either local or national trade union level .
18 In my time , I have known two outstanding directors of education , Donald Naismith and Paul Benians ; and two very fine chairmen of education , Councillor Derek Loughborough and Councillor Andrew Pelling .
19 Until today , that was , when suddenly two very different pieces of information had come to hand .
20 Thus we find that two very different types of system are being described under the heading ‘ Internal Market ’ .
21 But the good work that is done in those two areas does not integrate the two very different types of science : the claim that geography is an integrating discipline is both unsustainable and diversionary .
22 Two very different types of plant are the giant redwood trees which can be up to or exceeding 100 metres in height and one celled algae in water .
23 In her new show ( to be premièred at the Arnolfini in Bristol on 25 October and reaching the Riverside Studios in London on 30 October ) , Lea Anderson will be moving towards a clearer narrative — looking at a single event from two very different points of view , the first to a delicate musical collage , the second to a brash brass quartet .
24 The Wallace Line also appears to mark the division between two very different kinds of mind — the " continental " and the " oceanic " .
25 The conflict between yuppie designer pop-soul and hardcore is between two very different kinds of politics : the politics of self-realization versus the politics of dissipation , of debility .
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