Example sentences of "[v-ing] him [prep] the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He tried to break free , but he could not ; there were too many of them , manhandling him along the narrow jetty .
2 Unless it was true , as he 'd alleged , that the women had robbed him before tossing him in the stinking water .
3 " Oh , that 's you , Fiver , is it ? " said Bigwig , noticing him for the first time .
4 From that time on he improved in leaps and bounds and eventually , after about seven months , I started gingerly walking him around the small paddock next to his box with a bridle and a lunge rein threaded through his bit and over his head .
5 He did n't tell her that they had brought him here unconscious after torturing him in the main building .
6 Passing him in the cramped area of the cockpit , her bare leg brushed against the coarseness of his knee .
7 She shifted the weight of his arm from her shoulders and began urging him towards the front door before his fabrications began to get even more elaborate .
8 After meeting him for the first time , Vincent thought that he must be wealthy .
9 Talking to him is always like meeting him for the first time — he never comes out with the same old stuff and you can look forward to an interesting conversation .
10 She glanced up at him , feeling oddly shy , almost as though she were meeting him for the first time with no doubts , no mistrust , between them .
11 Reagan was shown a picture of Calero meeting him in the Oval Office ; he did not know who he was .
12 The Royal Bank of Scotland is suing him in the High Court to recover the money , which includes a £500,000 overdraft .
13 ‘ I fancy you , Matt , ’ Georgina said , leading him through the crowded room .
14 The next moment he was inside and she was closing the door behind him , then leading him along the narrow hallway towards the living-room .
15 Taylor was upset with Platt before the Turkey game for not informing him of the serious nature of the injury but the player surprised him by playing at Wembley with his usual effectiveness .
16 On occasions a fortunate , or bemused , beneficiary received no less than three charters each confirming him in the legitimate enjoyment of the same right .
17 Jennie told Katharine to keep pushing with her inside leg and holding him with the outside rein to stop him walking forward .
18 And then there was Matthew , always resentful , always looking to hurt ; and her father-in-law , leading the boy into bad ways , moulding him in the same pattern as himself .
19 A Jewish chronicler attributed the success of the expedition entirely to the youthful Ensign , calling him for the first time ‘ Cidi ’ , the equivalent of Mio Cid ‘ my lord ’ .
20 She did mind , though , and , as they were met at the emergency entrance with a wheeled stretcher-bed for Faye and a paged message for Tom summoning him to the renal unit to attend urgently to another patient , her concern for Faye 's condition battled for priority in her thoughts with painful images of Marise Wyspianski glowing in the magic aura of Tom 's kiss , and of Tom himself , at the wheel of the Mercedes just moments ago , staring so grimly into the Christmas Eve traffic .
21 But of course she could n't ; she had to sit there and be polite , supporting him as the next chairman , knowing that was exactly what he was , knowing no one could handle the job better , and knowing too that he was one day going to get around to handling her … superbly .
22 Facing him on the other side of the arena was the current Executioner , whom Angel One had watched fighting and killing the previous holder of the office barely a week before .
23 He was also cursing his luck at being caught out in the open , when three figures stepped forward into the moonlight and stopped facing him across the intervening space .
24 The priest sat on a bench , facing him across the rough table .
25 The blood of circumcision , just like the blood of animal sacrifice , could also be viewed as cleansing the boy of his mother 's blood and acting as a rite of separation , differentiating him from the female , and allying him with the male community .
26 And if he 'd come across any other married woman who kept on buying her husband horses and dogs and fishing tackle and pointing him towards the open countryside while she stayed in town , then he 'd have known exactly what to think .
27 Meanwhile , Rudge dismissed recent speculation linking him with the managerial vacancy at Bristol Rovers by insisting : ‘ It 's all paper talk . ’
28 Mr Sabin 's family has been in the publishing and bookselling business since 1865 and his son Mark will be joining him in the new venture , together with David Fuller , another former Ackermann director .
29 Now that her son had taken over , she showed every sign of treating him in the same way , much to his discomfort .
30 Mr eleven year old son offered to help so one of the put a gun to him and forced him to lead them to him threatening him at the same time .
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