Example sentences of "[v-ing] them to the [noun] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 After fulling , the cloth was well rinsed and , now reduced from 35″ to 27″ in width , was taken to the tenter ground to be stretched to shape by fastening hooks in the selvedge and attaching them to the tenter frames .
2 Mr R. Batson , Hyssington for preparing the plans and submitting them to the Local Authority for planning permission .
3 Myeloski , still unsteady on his feet from the effects of the flight , had weakly harangued a local taxi-driver into driving them to the police station .
4 She left the kitchen to dress while they lamented their miserable exis-tences , and more often than not , she came back from driving them to the bus stop to throw their breakfasts in the garbage .
5 By May 1987 McFarlane was describing them to the Baltimore Sun as ‘ incompetent Coca-Cola bottlers and clerks ’ .
6 He has the opportunity to comment on these documents before forwarding them to the Church Commissioners .
7 The following morning , three of the six were eventually discovered at various positions around the living room , the faint glimmer of life making me change my mind about dispatching them to the waste bin .
8 Mr Thomson also felt undermined because ‘ untoward occurrences ’ , including allegations of staff threatening residents , were not being relayed to him for up to three weeks , even though he was legally responsible for reporting them to the county council .
9 This job consisted of picking up thirty-six containers from the jetty Where they were being unloaded from HMAV Arakan ( one of the two Army Landing Craft Logistic ) and moving them to the container park .
10 Valenzuela admits to beating prisoners at the moment of their detention , hauling them to the torture rooms , watching them writhe and holding them down .
11 Moscow hoped to rally the opposition of the Non-Aligned against these developments by linking them to the Camp David Agreement and to Israeli policy .
12 And instead of taking them to the operating room for a T U R , instead we took them to the urodynamics lab .
13 But many teachers feel this will be too late to make the public stop comparing them to the O-level system .
14 He met frequently with the Congressional leaders of both parties ; and he made considerable use of the telephone in seeking the votes of rank-and-file members while also inviting them to the White House in groups .
15 The process of database creation can itself be valuable experience for pupils , introducing them to the information retrieval system , while encouraging the use of many information skills .
16 Because producers are valuing the resources in terms of the price producers could get by transferring them to the meals industry .
17 procedure for taking goods out of stock and transferring them to the shop floor
18 Hotels with only the basic facilities can attract this type of business by putting together composite package deals and offering them to the conference agencies .
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