Example sentences of "[v-ing] its [noun] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Suddenly , I see a boat weaving its way between the improbable pink granite rocks and I experience both relief and excitement .
2 Now I think of an animal or a small child depositing its excreta in the wrong place so as to annoy its owner or parent .
3 Israel had announced in October that it would attend the Ottawa talks , thereby ending its boycott of the multilateral refugee negotiations [ see p. 39167 for Israeli participation in multilateral regional economic co-operation talks in Paris in late October ] .
4 Research grants worth £420million have been announced by the EC , revealing its plans for the third set of Esprit projects .
5 Rather than contenting himself with a specific and clearly defined puzzle , Poulantzas aims to give a broad account of the capitalist state , which will show what it is and what it does by revealing its connections with the various instances of the social whole .
6 BR used press campaigns in the early 1980s to put the arguments for higher state support , basing its case on the higher subsidies of other European railways as a percentage of GNP .
7 Delrina is basing its pitch on the expected low cost of these modems relative to the cost of buying separate facsimile and answering machines , and the large installed base of Windows users with a single phone line who keep finding themselves talking to modems .
8 The heat flash of an enormously powerful neutron bomb had carbonised a planet with the ensuing radioactive fallout condemning its survivors to the full horrors of atrophy and mutation .
9 During the sweltering Id of 1333 , a camel caravan could be seen winding its way through the narrow passes and defiles of the Hindu Kush .
10 This line , winding its way between the isolated communities of Erstogoetsland Southeast of Stockholm , was one of twenty one regional railways offered for sale five years ago .
11 She held up her glass of spirit , checking its clarity against the available light .
12 But last March AMD stole a tenth of this market within months of launching its version of the 386 , and now claims almost a third .
13 The picture also served as a useful summary or overview of the whole EPH situation , reflecting its position in the surrounding community , liaison links with social workers and relatives of the clients , and its relationship with the area office and the department headquarters .
14 The State Department is pleased the Turkish government is not letting the legal costs deter it from pursuing its claim to the Lydian hoard .
15 The Trees had crossed half of the floor now and the nearest one — Fenella could see now that it had been a Larch , elegant and slender — was already inching its way across the slimy black pool of the Melanisms , creating a kind of bridge .
16 We followed the hunting team in the dark , stumbling across the scrubby terrain , heavily pitted with limestone fissures , until Rindi located a promising lair by cautiously sniffing its entrance for the distinctive aroma of a large reptile which does n't brush its teeth .
17 With December seeing only 2 full weeks activity and with Scotland enjoying its holiday over the New Year I trust Scottish colleagues enter 1991 appropriately refreshed and renewed .
18 Britain is not enjoying its presidency of the European Council .
19 The preferred approach of Soviet officials was to confirm Iran 's abandonment of a pro-Western political and military policy by encouraging its association in the Non-Aligned Movement .
20 Realising its error at the last minute , the magazine just managed to insert a back-page acknowledgement of its gaffe but not to correct the offending caption .
21 But the character of Plas-yn-Rhiw is subtler than that , drawing its mood from the Welsh landscape and blending its colours with those of the wildflowers with are freely admitted through the gates .
22 A snowfall the previous night , however , had covered the tracks of Graham Little and A. Baker , who had climbed it the day before — also singing its praises for the deep caves and icicles .
23 For instance , how valid are the company 's assumptions about : customer sensitivity to price changes ( price elasticity of demand ) ; the effectiveness of its advertising in stimulating customer demand , and in maintaining its share of the total market ; the relationship of per capita real income to demand for its products ( for instance , people with increasing incomes tend to eat a wider variety of foodstuffs than hitherto , yet their per capita expenditure on food tends to decline as a proportion of their total personal expenditure ) .
24 Although Burda talks of maintaining its share of the upper end of the periodicals market this has been interpreted as a delaying tactic , to allow the magazine to bow out gracefully .
25 The University of Nottingham is meeting these challenges by maintaining its commitment to the highest quality teaching and research .
26 The Hungarians reacted by calling for an emergency meeting of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe ( CSCE ) and submitting its case to the International Court of Justice .
27 Truly successful marketing invariably begins with comprehensive and accurate market research , and here the IDB can assist through its Marketing Intelligence Centre and by using its links with the British Overseas Trade Board .
28 Leftist Unity is targeting its campaign on the big industrial cities , such as Madrid , Barcelona and Valencia , as well as the region of Andalucia , where centuries of serfdom to the local noblemen have left the working class with a strong streak of radicalism .
29 The DLP won 116 of the 237 seats open to popular election , thereby entitling it to 33 of the 62 seats awarded on the basis of proportional representation , bringing its total in the 299-member Assembly to 149 , one seat sort of an overall majority .
30 Peter White , Managing Director of British Airways Cargo , comments : ‘ Air cargo is increasingly proving its worth as the premier mode of distribution , especially as more companies practice ‘ Just-In-Time ’ inventory controls .
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