Example sentences of "[v-ing] out [pron] [noun sg] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Could you do something for me ? ’ he asked , stubbing out his cigarette in the proprietary ashtray .
2 He let the bat dangle from his fingers as he searched the horizon for the ball , like a fighter pilot seeking out his enemy above the clouds .
3 The two men were so different — opposites even : Lajos acting out his tragedy to the world Christopher-Stefan self-contained , self-reliant , intensely private , yet looking out rather than in .
4 He had already stood out against the Board 's obstinacy by forcing out their version of the comparative costs between nuclear- and coal-powered electricity ( see Chapter Six ) .
5 Hastily scribbling out his copy for The Times on the bonnet of his car , J.N.P. Watson wrote :
6 ‘ And now here he is pouring out his soul for the whole world . ’
7 She turned , joining the line of boarding passengers , holding out her pass to the tiny Han stewardess , then moved down the aisle towards her seat .
8 There was a long , hot moment in which all three of us were penned in a triangle of critical regard — Laura fiercely indifferent to everything except the health of her blaze ; me awkwardly between , holding out my hand for the axe ; Edward , old man suddenly , hating his years and his uncertain hands , humiliated , furious with Laura , resentful of my youth , and profoundly unwilling to surrender the axe .
9 His mouth opened and closed , as if gasping for breath , the dying struggle of an animal bleeding out its life through the sacrificial cut .
10 Williams-Renault are reported to have approached Mansell 's new Paul Newman-Carl Haas Indy team with a view to buying out his contract on the eve of qualifying for this weekend 's Australian Grand Prix in Adelaide .
11 the only thing but I mean you know you accepted what he said and then went on and , and by using your picture with the , with the cheque I mean you had him eating out your hand at the end did n't you ?
12 The famous photograph of the 72-year-old Albert Einstein sticking out his tongue at the camera inspired an Australian film-maker who ( for reasons he may come to regret ) has adopted the name of Yahoo Serious to make Young Einstein ( PG ) , a mock-heroic biopic dedicated to ‘ the genius rebel with a clowning sense of humour ’ .
13 The onrushing crest dips below the critical 120-degree angle and falls forward in uncompleted cycles , thumping out its agony on the outstretched limbs of the land .
14 So , stop walking through life with a stubbornness of heart , shutting out your awareness of the consequences of your words , thoughts and actions .
15 The second-half saw Ranger 's stand-in keeper , Ally Maxwell at the centre of things — firstly coming out his box in the 60th minute to bring down Gareth Evans — and then producing a marvellous save from Darren Jackson 's header from the resultant free kick .
16 Using this method one camera alone was needed to shoot the TARDIS on the live set , firstly locking all its settings as the time-travellers go inside and then fading out its picture from the output monitor .
17 The labour director is charged in law with carrying out his function in the best interests of the firm as a whole .
18 Although Taylor was carrying out his research at the beginning of the century and despite the fact that his conclusions did not meet with the universal approval of either the workers or the management he left an important legacy which later theorists built upon :
19 The working budget is for expenses you incur in carrying out your programme for the client .
20 ‘ Which one is that ? ’ asked Hilda , putting out her hand towards the manuscript on the desk .
21 Simon shouted this aloud , throwing out his challenge into the dark , as if daring Mr Bishop 's ghost to haunt him again .
22 The Institute 's Tax Faculty has issued a guidance note setting out its correspondence with the Inland Revenue about Statement of Practice SP 5/92 , Non-resident Trusts ( p 99 ) .
23 The Institute 's Tax Faculty has issued a guidance note setting out its correspondence with the Inland Revenue about Statement of Practice SP 5/92 , Non-resident Trusts , in both its draft and final forms .
24 The Accounting Standards Board has issued a statement setting out its policy on the applicability of accounting standards to transactions that had been entered into before the standard had been issued .
25 It seems to me that no grounds have been shown to justify your Lordships saying that Hoffmann J. ( in setting out his conclusion on the balancing exercise even though he felt inhibited from giving effect to it ) and the majority in the Court of Appeal erred in law in a way which vitiates the exercise of the discretion involved .
26 The three companies have been hammering out their understanding over the last few weeks : AT&T and USL have sought and reportedly received personal assurances from Novell chief Ray Noorda of the continued independence of Unix and the observation of the proprieties of open systems , neutrality and level playing fields .
27 Before clearing out my desk at the Times-Herald I had a quiet word with Fred Workman who agreed to accept free-lance stories from me .
28 Although he was hitting the ball all over the place in practice , Seve was figuring out which side of the fairways to miss on a lot of holes , and places where he could n't go at all .
29 The SDLP 's Pat Devine said that his party would be working out their policy for the AGM at a series of meetings involving all 17 of their councillors .
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