Example sentences of "[v-ing] their [noun] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Thus alerted , a sub-committee of the North of England Protecting and Indemnity Association met on the following morning and resolved that the danger could only be met by " a central organization of owners for the purpose of protecting their interests against the unreasonable demands and actions of trade unions or combinations affecting such interests " .
2 The chemists encouraged people to have fun in the sun while protecting their skin from the harsh rays which can prove dangerous .
3 It is to the reptiles themselves one must turn to find the greatest display of armoured scales that are all-enveloping , protecting their wearers over the whole surface of the body .
4 Other walkers were struggling up the dusty track , sweating and wheezing their way to the high plateau .
5 It is not the West End galleries however who have been opening their doors to the new generation .
6 They did n't appear to mind me playing a double game , allying with each in turn , then becoming their opponent at the next round .
7 For a while they just stood there , staring down at the boar , satisfying their curiosity after the brief and distant glimpses that they 'd had on the hunt .
8 To add to the general gothic touch , the now released pigeons fly around depositing their droppings on the dead body .
9 Marsh accepted his fate honourably , as everyone expected , and the Australians got on with the job of keeping their boot on the Indian throat .
10 Soon after they got up — which was always late , which was lunchtime — he and Rufus went in swimming , keeping their feet off the gravelly or slimy bottom and their arms clear of the blanket weed which was like green hair .
11 Those in the lower group of six would play a total of 36 matches with the first two teams keeping their place in the Premier Division while the rest would be relegated in 1994 .
12 The work also voiced taboos and silenced areas in an attempt to make visible shared and common experiences , revealing their roots in the social and cultural rather than the personal .
13 Most people find it easy to drink large quantities of calorific drinks , sweet or alcoholic , without in any way lessening or delaying their appetite for the next meal — and these drinks , and sugar itself , are perhaps the ultimate example of fibre-free calories .
14 It is a well-established convention that a minister should be an MP or a peer ; the Ministers of the Crown Act , 1964 ( in limiting the number of ministers and parliamentary secretaries that can sit in the Commons ) forces the Prime Minister to select a nucleus of ministers from the Lords ; leading figures in the majority party practically demand a Cabinet place — and a ministry of their choice ; new young members need to be nurtured ; and even leaders of factions within the party might have to be given office if only in the hope of softening their opposition to the broad drift of government policy .
15 Besides the more obvious areas for employment , actuaries are to be found applying their skills in the academic world , in computer development , operational research and as business consultants .
16 They looked at each other , then returning their gaze to the far distance there was a silence between them before Mick went on again , ‘ As I see it now , real education is what you get from life : not what life gives you , but what you give to it .
17 Furthermore , Coutts themselves were undergoing a change in policy , consolidating their business around the wealthy personal customer and shedding some of their ‘ high-risk ’ business accounts .
18 Shirley ( 4.6 ) and Trevor ( 4.8 ) are looking at the shells and their teacher , noticing their interest in the different kinds , joins with them to initiate a ‘ spontaneous ’ sorting activity .
19 That was no exaggeration , Ronni soon discovered , as fifteen minutes later they were winding their way through the narrow , colourful streets of the walled city of Alghero to climb a hill to a cliff-top where they were suddenly confronted by a breath-taking panorama of endless blue sea .
20 The Old Town harbours a sundry collection of churches , mansions , synagogues , palaces and mosques , winding their way around the narrow lanes and hidden nooks , beckoning the adventurer into the shadows .
21 Oh , they were my daily joy , Dirty Dick , Harry , Bert , Prickwillow , working on the green baize under the bench lights , the elastic band round the grey heads holding the jeweller 's eyeglass or checking their tolerances with the white-coated draughtsmen , or rouging the last tenth of a thou from a newly-turned and bored brass centimetric attenuator .
22 Their animals , richly caparisoned for the tourists , were munching at green piles of clover and swatting their tails against the early flies .
23 If this event is about affirming their status amongst the youthful pretenders to the acid crown , then Hawkwind and Planet Gong have loaded the dice in their favour by monopolising the prime-time slots .
24 And finally , surfers and canoeists have been pitting their skills against the biggest River Severn tidal wave of the year .
25 Many top speedway riders will be pitting their skills in the National motor cycle grass track meeting .
26 The Franciscans had a specially charismatic gift for transmitting their understanding of the inward nature of redemption .
27 The younger field men , doubtless reflecting their education in the natural sciences , tend to conceive of pollution as a relatively unproblematic phenomenon , as scientifically determinable , hence ‘ obvious ’ .
28 Eventually he decided to give them their marching orders , and one spring , just before the birds were due to arrive , he nailed wire netting and a large dustbin bag along the eaves to stop them building their nests in the usual place .
29 The employees are accepting their fate with the usual mix of bitterness and resignation .
30 Bernice and Defries were lying on the floor , edging backwards while firing their blasters at the black-robed androids .
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