Example sentences of "[v-ing] an [adj] [noun sg] to [art] " in BNC.

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1 Could I please quote from the Bargaining Report Document dated twenty seventh of April nineteen ninety three which says , and I quote , works councils , elected bodies representing the whole workforce are becoming an increasing interest to the U K trade unionists and this par this in part because of the growing awareness of industrial relation structures in the rest of the E C.
2 Such wide disparities in the social marginal cost of life-saving suggest that society might achieve significant gains in allocative efficiency by adopting an integrated approach to a cost-benefit analysis of health and safety regulations .
3 Concerning fitting an eight-cylinder engine to the new Rover 800 , would it be technically feasible to use two K-series blocks side by side ?
4 Mr Jack Price , National President of the Air Force Association of the United States of America then addressed Conference , extending his Association 's fraternal greetings to the Association in Conference and presenting an inscribed plaque to the Chairman .
5 This was despite the fact that Churchill , amazingly for a new and over-rewarded recruit to the Conservative Party who twelve years before had nearly broken up the Asquith Cabinet with his demand for a larger navy , began his Chancellorship by presenting an importunate demand to the Admiralty ministers ( who were Baldwin 's closest friends in the Government — Davidson was the junior minister ) for a slashing of the cruiser replacement programme .
6 However , the idea of adding an extra contaminant to the air in order to reduce smog has little appeal .
7 Ms Thomas advocates adding an extra step to the selection procedure .
8 Andrea Stimpson , who recently climbed The Nose on Yosemite 's El Capitan , is leading an all-woman team to the Karakorum to attempt a sub-5,000 metre pack this August .
9 Play Elvis Presley 's ‘ Teddy Bear ’ and you 're paying an oblique tribute to the memory of the 26th President , Theodore ‘ Teddy ’ Roosevelt , after whom the Teddy Bear was named .
10 The actor acted in a highly successful film and the company received a substantial sum for his services , paying the actor a small fee and paying an interim dividend to the trust .
11 With Marco on the radio announcing his arrival to half a dozen people , Tabitha took the Alice rolling along the side of the valley , past the darkened chariot of some Terran senator paying an incognito visit to the brothels , and a recent model Freimacher Charisma , one runner broken , half buried beneath somebody else 's spilt cargo .
12 There is also confirmation that Northern Ireland will be sending an 18-strong team to the West Athletic Games in Sittard , Holland on June 5 and 6 , with the selection likely to feature the main contenders for next year 's Commonwealth Games .
13 From inside the house the scratchy gramophone burble of " Muskrat Ramble " was providing an incongruous counterpoint to the screech of the wild birds wakening unseen in the roof of the surrounding jungle , and Duclos sighed and closed his eyes to concentrate better on the music .
14 The high beech hedge providing an arched entrance to the kitchen garden was at one time 20 seedlings collected in the Savernake forest .
15 They are not profit making organisations but are providing an essential service to the community .
16 It can be particularly effective in providing an instrumental background to the spoken word , in drama , readings or prayers .
17 A Super Class 1 transaction ( requiring an immediate announcement to the market , a circular to the offeror 's shareholders and their prior approval in general meeting ) is one where a comparison of the target 's assets , profits , gross capital etc with the value of those of the offeror is 25 per cent or more .
18 He was one of those whose wisdom ( to recall the terms of Wyatt 's sonnet ) insisted on his maintaining an unchanged obedience to an authority he ultimately felt to be higher than the King 's .
19 Are we seeing an emerging alternative to the Rolling Straight Edge Test ?
20 A bad choice could arouse discontent which would more than offset the value of an appointment in attaching an individual voter to an interest , and it was wise to take abilities and honesty into account when disposing of the posts .
21 He and fellow Catholic lords began to murmur of an uprising against Elizabeth ; and there were even plans for Mary to marry the Duke of Norfolk , in the hope of producing an acceptable successor to the throne of England .
22 While Mary Tudor lived , the Protestants in Scotland had never actually given up , but as long as England as well as France and Spain was Catholic , all they could hope for was survival ; and there was no point in preferring an English alliance to a French one .
23 The conference rejected an Australian proposal endorsing the transfer of the West German stockpiles , but also stopped short of demanding an outright halt to the entire incineration project , calling instead for the US government to close the incinerator as soon as the current programme had been completed .
24 There is , therefore , a strong case for bringing an open mind to the richness of the subject .
25 A set of reasons was given for re-organisation in terms of linking an appropriate size to the functions to be performed in order to reap the benefits of the economies of scale .
26 A path leaves Horton railway station , a large quarry giving an industrial background to the first stage of the climb which continues to rise along the geological fault of Sulber Nick to come alongside the Allotment wall at around the 1300-ft contour .
27 Warm-up rants at smaller home-grown affairs in Glasgow , Blackburn and Barry from Gordon Brown , Robin Cook and Tony Blair respectively went down far better with the party activists than the leader 's indigestible offerings , giving an intriguing clue to an uncertain future .
28 Railways and steamships brought delegates from all over the country to the chosen centre each year , and also brought foreign visitors , giving an international flavour to the occasion .
29 A good deal of real embarrassment can be caused by simply giving an expensive item to a journalist who knew she would not be able to write about a product in any depth but expressed a wish to buy it .
30 Next , an Eradicator was fitted on to the pick-up feed pipe of an ITT Marlow surface pump which fed a sand filter , giving an amazing polish to the water in only 24 hours .
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