Example sentences of "[v-ing] his [noun] at the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Kick me again , ’ said Georgiades , keeping his voice at the gentle , conversational level , ‘ and I will kick your balls so hard that they will fly out of your backside . ’
2 THE former chairman of the GLC 's Police Committee and member of Ken Livingstone 's municipal revolutionary guard , Boateng , 40 , has risen rapidly since gaining his seat at the last election .
3 It seemed to Charles , waiting his turn at the public telephone box on the corner by his billet , that they were never going to be able to meet again .
4 Isay pushed Riven aside and stood holding his staff at the ready as his countrymen approached .
5 On the other side of the double row of barbed wire a guard was standing still holding his rifle at the ready .
6 Jacques Devraux followed them , holding his rifle at the ready until he was certain the big animal was dead .
7 Male model Hay , 22 , only escaped death by moving his head at the critical moment .
8 And Goldberg , pushing the hair out of his eyes and wiping his face at the same time with his sleeve , pushed away the typewriter , pulled the pad towards him , seized the felt-tip pen , and wrote : He later admitted that he had merely said between seventeen and eighteen as a manner of speaking .
9 The physiotherapist may show you how to practise standing and balancing , with the patient supporting his arms at the correct height , perhaps on a chest of drawers .
10 He sat in the 1835–7 Parliament as member for Harwich and assistant whip , losing his seat at the next general election .
11 Max has earned an enviable reputation as a teacher and Club specialists , learning his craft at the prestigious Southport and Ainsdale Golf Club .
12 Uttering a low , violent oath , he grabbed Isabel 's arm and yanked her behind him , drawing his sword at the same time .
13 An applicant for such a grant requires to lodge with his application a plan of the premises to which the application relates and to display a notice intimating his application at the proposed premises ( subss. ( 2 ) and ( 3 ) ) .
14 She paused , collecting her thoughts and studying his face at the same time .
15 He too was waving his arms , then lifting a leg each in turn and shaking his feet at the leaden sky .
16 I get the impression he agrees with what I 'm saying and he 's just shaking his head at the sheer extent of human deviousness and spite .
17 The company was seated round card tables in the drawing-room , with the exception of Miss Phoebe in her usual chair and the Captain who was warming his backside at the great fire , glass in hand .
18 This is fighting talk , and suggests his fond memories of Maurras and the Action Française , but it was only talk — perhaps it was Eliot 's way of enlivening what he thought to be the muted tone of discussion in England ; perhaps it was also a method of inspiring his colleagues at the Moot whom he called " companions in affliction " , intellectuals or refugees who were on the periphery of events to which there was no foreseeable end .
19 I well remember Hunt standing by the side of the track and waving his fist at the feisty little Frenchman when he next came by .
20 By February 1989 , following his success at the European Film Awards , Kieslowski had established a formidable reputation .
21 Clearly Oswiu experienced a tremendous increase in personal power and prestige following his victory at the Winwaed .
22 It 's time you learned a bit of respect for Mr Harker 's babies — ’ jerking his head at the rumbling monsters all around them .
23 ‘ as if we 'd leave you here on your own , ’ said Snodgrass , clicking his tongue at the very idea .
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