Example sentences of "[v-ing] his [noun] for [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Oxford United will be announcing their new manager in the morning — we 'll be revealing his name for the first time , tonight on Central News .
2 Mr Yeltsin meanwhile sent a message to John Major expressing his gratitude for the Prime Minister 's support and understanding .
3 Simon was not reticent in expressing his dislike for the Jaguar-driving members who had previously snubbed him .
4 Clearly he was saving his powder for the next negotiating battle in the GATT talks .
5 As a captain with literary leanings , he 'll no doubt be saving his version for the eventual book of memoirs .
6 ‘ Sir , we have been seeking his permission for a long time ; he will not give it .
7 Thus , although it has been stated that there are practically no high kicks in kung fu , the practitioner who emulates the crane is training his legs for the highest possible kicks .
8 To Sara , more hard-pressed than ever at Lime Street , the intellectual and emotional sympathy binding Coleridge and Dorothy must have been both apparent and distressing , even if Dorothy , in De Quincey 's words , was a woman possessing ‘ no personal charms ’ : on only the second day of the visit Coleridge and Dorothy were occupied together correcting his poems for the new edition while Sara was left to carry the domestic burdens of the teeming cottage .
9 Harold was flexing his muscles for the perfect balance , teeth bared , knife poised over his head .
10 They all sat around , reminding each other of things they all remembered , each waiting his cue for the next reminiscence to be slotted in .
11 He had the difficult task in 1832–3 of reconciling his sympathy for the Whig government with pressing for the sort of positive action on emancipation which was acceptable both to a majority in the political and parliamentary class and antislavery militants in the country .
12 Containing his designs for the perpetual-motion helicopter .
13 By early November however , as the Dublin lock-out attacks against leaders of the trade unions and the Labour Party who seemed to be obstructing his plans for a general strike , not only in Dublin , but throughout Great Britain , vilifying them as " serpents whom I shall allow to raise their foul heads and spit out their poison no longer " and as having " neither soul to be saved nor body to be kicked " Almost overnight , support for Larkin turned into denunciation of his reckless methods and of his policy of attempting to bleed British unions of funds in support of sympathy strikes which seemed destined either to fail or to lead to unwanted revolution .
14 Mr Rifkind , the Transport Secretary , retained his Edinburgh Pentlands seat — a result seen as justifying Mr Major 's decision to confront demands for devolution and separation by emphasising his support for the continued union between Scotland and the rest of the UK .
15 Arsenal manager George Graham , supporting his plea for a smaller Premier League
16 ‘ Acid ! ’ he cried after consulting his notes for the one hundred and thirty-ninth time .
17 BRENT ANDERSON from Waikato is not the only foreign player doing his stuff for an Irish club .
18 He 's been running his shop for the past 30 years , selling everything from garters to saddles !
19 Senior champion Andrew Roche ( Liverpool Mercury-Townsend ) shot to the top of the table by retaining his title for the second successive season and now has 17 points .
20 Members of the housing committee of the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities were told of a complaint by Tweeddale District Council over a request by a tenant , who was exercising his right-to-buy for the first time , that his fiancee be included as a joint purchaser .
21 Her frozen surprise made him pause at the door , a gleam of amusement touching his eyes for the first time .
22 Bernard Jacobson , who is celebrating twenty-five years of activity , is devoting his programme for an entire calendar year to exhibitions of historic and modern British landscape painting .
23 Is he involved in the coaching end of things using his experience for the young guys ?
24 The speech outlining government policy at the opening of the parliamentary session was delivered by King Hussein himself — a move which was interpreted as underlining his support for the new government of Ibn Shaker .
25 He spent the interval just sitting in his dressing room , gathering his strength for the next act .
26 Andre van Troost is growing in technique and control , close to making his bid for a permanent place .
27 ‘ They 're not exorbitant for craftsmanship of that quality , ’ he said , bending his head for a closer look at an exquisite rose fashioned from mother-of-pearl and spun gold .
28 Then he shook his feet free of the stirrups and , lifting his horse for the last time , sent it rearing into the enemy mass to crash and sink amongst them .
29 Last summer — and 11 years on — on a tricky surface at Headingley and at a crucial time , he played his greatest Test innings , carrying his bat for an extraordinary 7½ hours making an unbeaten 154 .
30 Last summer — and 11 years on — on a tricky surface at Headingley and at a crucial time , he played his greatest Test innings , carrying his bat for an extraordinary 7½ hours making an unbeaten 154 .
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