Example sentences of "[v-ing] on [art] [noun pl] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 He levelled it , straight and calm , at the shape that was thrashing on the tiles of the reception floor .
2 She walked quickly along the landing to the bathroom , knocking on the doors to the children 's rooms as she went .
3 The income of these farmers is partly from wool , but mainly from lambs or young store cattle which are sold for fattening on the farms of the lowlands .
4 Again in the top right-hand section of the map the dominant whiteness ceased abruptly in a line extending down from Danzig hsien to Poznan , and thence to Krakow and across to Lvov , ending on the shores of the Black Sea , at Odessa .
5 Tillyard ( 1918b ) has studied the hairs occurring on the wings of the most primitive groups of Holometabola .
6 The insignificant proportion of men in the £3 — £9 range would appear on the face of things to betoken no handicraft beyond what would suffice to satisfy demand in a small hundred , while the many nils , amounting to very nearly one-third of the total , strongly suggests that many of the inhabitants of Walsingham were mendicants subsisting on the alms of the faithful .
7 Five minutes by bus and you 're sunbathing on the banks of the Schwarzsee .
8 Reneging on the terms of the agreement was not only done by the natives .
9 There has been more violence and stabbing on the streets since the hours were extended .
10 Tyne & Wear Development Corp in the UK is using a specially adapted version of the Superscape virtual reality software from Aldermaston , Berkshire-based Dimension International Ltd to enable planners and the public to ‘ walk through ’ its £180m redevelopment scheme for the City of Newcastle Upon Tyne 's East Quayside : Newcastle-based Real Time Design Ltd , which is implementing the system , has already created the base landscape and a few of the proposed buildings in the virtual world , and will continue to add new ones based on architects drawings and computer aided design-generated images ; using the system , it will be possible to simulate , in real time , the experience of driving on the roads between the new buildings , ensuring that the Tyne Bridge is visible at some locations .
11 Joseph looked out through the windows and saw three small Annamese children dressed in traditional silk tunics like their parents walking on the lawns below the terrace in the company of a plainly garbed Annamese servant .
12 ‘ We thought it would make a nice Christmas present and show our borrowers that we are passing on the benefits of the recent rate reductions as soon as possible , ’ says Stratton .
13 Erm Freud 's hypothesis is that this religion left Egypt because of the persecution , Moses was one of Akhenaten 's followers who went out into the desert , erm here as I 'll explain in the lectures er some of my own research opens up a new angle on this that Freud did n't know about and why they went out into the desert , why they picked up these er Hebrew erm er immigrants who were living on the fringes of the Egyptian Empire .
14 The Foundation 's director , Valmik Thapar , also criticized the project 's failure to take into account the needs of local people living on the fringes of the reserves , some of whom were forcibly relocated outside the boundaries when the parks were created .
15 During the war and the revolution many old criminal families , living on the outskirts of the town or in bandit villages , left their influence behind even after they had been broken up .
16 Both Greeks and Jews were living on the borders of the Persian Empire .
17 In a previous book I suggested that it might be parasitic , freeloading on the efforts of the 1 per cent , a theory that has more recently been taken up by molecular biologists under the name of ‘ selfish DNA ’ .
18 Sometimes they 'd wake in the night , alerted by the jackals howling on the outskirts of the village , and they 'd nose open the heavy doors and go outside on to the roof , joining the other dogs in their chorus of barking .
19 They claim thousands of dogs are currently having to be put down after being found wandering on the streets around the country .
20 A thick , gold moon was coming up over the sea , glittering on the roofs of the town below them .
21 Max Fernandez , a poor man who became a beer baron despite accusations of ties to drug trafficking , is another figure prowling on the outskirts of the old politics .
22 The fall of Vizcaya was preceded by one of the Spanish Civil War 's most notorious actions : the bombing of the Basques ' spiritual capital , Guernica , by the German Condor Legion , acting on the instructions of the Nationalist High Command .
23 As a consequence there will be a force qv X B acting on the charges in the wire ; the mobile charges will be displaced until the arising electric field produces an equal and opposite force .
24 The government of President Hrawi faced a political crisis following the attempted arrest on March 15 of the governor of the ( West Beirut-based ) Central Bank ( Banque du Liban ) , Edmond Naim , by security forces acting on the orders of the Minister of the Interior , Ilyas al Khazin .
25 Every kind of wonderful bird was flying in and perching on the branches of the great tree , and as soon as one landed a Minpin would climb onto its back and off they would go .
26 Mueller had simply used his privileged position to advise the General Directors that he was operating on the instructions of the President .
27 It meant fixing on the smiles for the photographers … who were not so much interested in the intricacies of skating as Christopher Dean 's private life recently under scrutiny in the tabloid press .
28 And there are also 20 huge panels that are going on the sides of the buses , that kids have also painted .
29 The State made him the ecclesiastical head of the Church of England by trampling on the opinions of the relevant ecclesiastical authority .
30 At the same time this was an occasion for using the telephone , not cables , teletexes or letters which could be misdirected or might end up lying on the desks of the wrong people .
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