Example sentences of "[v-ing] for the first time [art] " in BNC.

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1 ( China , while not using its veto , nevertheless abstained , thus breaching for the first time the unanimity of the five permanent members of the Security Council in supporting resolutions on the Gulf crisis .
2 Her heart still pounding nineteen to the dozen , she looked over towards the window , seeing for the first time a familiar , powerfully-built figure standing there .
3 Hardly aware of the chill she paced restlessly along the bank , seeing for the first time the way the dew crisped to frost along each blade of grass until the parkland veered from dark to grey to an ephemeral diamond enchantment .
4 But now she looked around her , really seeing for the first time the humming activity of the fruit and vegetable market , breathing in the aromatic smells , noticing how charming the open square was , with its border of pizza stalls and cafés and bistros .
5 On unsteady legs she walked towards the painting , seeing for the first time the mischievous face of a gremlin peeping out beneath the skirt of an old lady bent double , sweeping a woodland path .
6 In those early days in our relationship , Basil was still adjusting to the Northern scene and I , a callow young teacher , encountering for the first time a man of impeccable manners , charm and sensibility .
7 The Commission would have increased powers , including for the first time the power to propose legislation in the highly-sensitive area of home affairs on such issues as the right of asylum , immigration and residency rights ( hitherto discussed at an intergovernmental level in the " Trevi group " ) .
8 I was in touch several times by telephone , and I remember noticing for the first time a slight labouring for breath on his part , which was to become increasingly marked .
9 Revealing for the first time the size of the Exchange Fund ( which guaranteed the Hong Kong dollar ) , the Financial Secretary , Hamish Macleod , announced on July 15 that at the end of 1991 foreign reserves stood at US$29,000 million , the 12th largest in the world .
10 Bufi 's " government of national stability " was announced on June 12 , including PLA members but incorporating for the first time the DP as well as the Republican Party , the Social Democratic Party and the Agrarian Party ; nine members were non-party .
11 and Q acted upon by unc and unc are essentially the same , we are meeting for the first time a concept of prime importance in algebra , namely that of isomorphism .
12 The theatre is one of the most influential in the history of medicine , and was built in 1594 , a century after Alessandro Benedetti 's De Anatomia was published in Venice , describing for the first time an anatomical theatre which could be dismantled .
13 The Politburo issued a statement regretting for the first time the mass exodus to the West .
14 Reading Neale 's articles in the immediate context of teaching for the first time a course dangerously titled , ‘ Television Theory ’ ( is there such a thing ? ) ,
15 The 28-member Consell General de las Valls ( General Council of the Valleys ) , elected for a four-year term , has , since reforms introduced in 1981 , appointed an Executive Council , introducing for the first time a separation between the executive and legislative arms of government .
16 While part of Polly 's brain noted the fresh fragrance of the soap and minty scent of toothpaste , the other part was registering for the first time the significance of plastic-covered grab-rails in the shower cubicle and on the front of the vanity unit .
17 Some of these new CD products are aimed squarely at consumer markets , promising for the first time a breakthrough into the same mass market in which audio CDs have been so dramatically successful .
18 As a young Christian exclaimed to me on realizing for the first time the titanic implications of this claim , ‘ I always knew Christianity was true , but I never realized it was this true ! ’
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