Example sentences of "[v-ing] that there have be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In regard to his relations with the Vietnamese de Lattre claimed that Bao Dai was the ablest statesman in Vietnam ; but perhaps rather spoilt things by adding that there had been several recent instances when Bao Dai ‘ had showed the proper co-operative spirit and , in some cases , even initiative ’ .
2 While confirming that there had been widespread Iraqi brutality , Middle East Watch emphasized that no proof had as yet emerged to support allegations that thousands of Kuwaitis had been executed by the Iraqis .
3 Now , am I right in saying that there has been some controversy in the past about hormone replace , let's call it H R T , it 's shorter , that er that not everyone 's convinced it 's it 's it 's a good idea , that there are maybe some negative side effects .
4 Savimbi , however , claiming that there had been widespread electoral fraud , threatened to resume UNITA 's guerrilla war against the MPLA-PT .
5 Whilst admitting that there had been procedural " irregularities " , Hoeveler rejected a defence motion that the charges against Noriega be dismissed .
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