Example sentences of "[v-ing] back to the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 As the sun rose higher , shortening the shadows and drawing the dew from the grass , most of the rabbits came wandering back to the sun-flecked shade among the cow-parsley along the edge of the ditch .
2 Looking back to the latter half of our time in Scotland , I seem to have been engaged in a variety of activities : was twice part of a consortium to bid ( unsuccessfully ) for the franchise for Scottish Television ; was appointed chairman of the board of Edinburgh 's Royal Lyceum Theatre Company , a post I held for seven years ; was persuaded to stand as a candidate for Lord Rector of Edinburgh University and ( mercifully ) was defeated by its former Roman Catholic chaplain ; gave poetry recitals with Moira at Edinburgh Festivals and elsewhere ; attacked in a lecture to the Royal Society of Arts the moronic language of disc jockeys whom I referred to as ‘ the Anyway Boys ’ ( the word ‘ anyway ’ being their standard linking passage ) — but singled out for praise a comparative unknown by the name of Terry Wogan ; rejoined the Liberal Party ; took part in a shoot where in the gloaming I brought down what I thought was a woodcock but turned out to be a parrot , escaped recently from its cage a mile away ; fished for salmon in Spain where my guide was called Jesus ( and enjoyed bawling for him down the river bank ) and on the way home visited the marvellous cave paintings of Altamira and Lascaux ; proposed ite health of Prince Philip at a Variety Club luncheon and of London 's Lord Mayor at his midsummer banquet ( he was also chairman of the London Rubber Company to which I made some fruity references ) ; and for a year was resident British columnist of the American weekly magazine , Newsweek International .
3 Looking back to the initial aims of the study as delineated by the deputy head , he envisaged both short-term and long-term aims .
4 Looking back to the last war , I can clearly remember arriving at Abbeydale Council School in Sheffield to find it badly damaged by a bomb , having to transfer temporarily to Lowfields and Ann 's Road Schools and then to ’ home service ’ , which was simply a teacher in charge of a dozen or so kids in somebody 's front room .
5 Looking back to the seventeenth century , or forward to the late twentieth century .
6 From The Great Train Robbery ( 1903 ) onwards , the Western has been informed by a species of bitter nostalgia , looking back to the wild days of the West and questioning the value of the civilisation won by all that exciting gunplay .
7 The Government investigations paint a picture of decadent fraud flourishing in a climate of lax controls dating back to the 19th century and policed by professional advisors who paid insufficient attention to the task at hand .
8 The veneration of saints has a long history dating back to the early martyrs ( meaning witnesses ) .
9 Easily Accessible : Lewes is an interesting town dating back to the Norman Conquest with steep narrow streets and a mixture of Georgian and older buildings including antique shops , a ruined castle , museums and a house which once belonged to Anne of Cleves .
10 The British monarchy , and the survival of aristocratic titles dating back to the Norman conquest lend a spurious sense of continuity to English history ( if not to that of the other countries in the UK ) , suggesting that feudalism imperceptibly evolved into modern capitalist democracy .
11 A campaign for a People 's Front would detract from their attempts to influence the Labour Party , and was felt to be inspired by Lloyd George , with whom the Communists had a long standing feud , dating back to the First World War .
12 It obviously believes that an emphasis on its citizens ' common humanity is essential to the Community ( it is very premature to say nation or State ) ; that is an old-fashioned belief , dating back to the nineteenth century , but it is consoling in these jarring , mean-spirited , unidealistic times .
13 Given that suspended particulates have been the subject of pollution control policies dating back to the nineteenth century , it is not surprising that total emissions and average urban concentrations of particulates have decreased markedly during the past few decades .
14 To the left of the doorway is the first postbox in Milan , dating back to the Napoleonic era .
15 Eight miles from the Bauble lies the historic town of Colchester , an ancient town dating back to the 1st century BC with Roman remains , a ruined Norman castle , a 15th-century abbey , museums and excellent shopping facilities .
16 This is a very special 14-night tour which has only one departure on 19 June — perfectly timed to give a limited number of our customers a chance to attend the opening night of the Verona Opera Season : Verdi 's Don Carlo , performed in the 20,000 seat Roman Arena amphitheatre dating back to the 1st century .
17 In fact , until December last theirs was the largest private library of manuscripts in the world , with works dating back to the seventh century and texts of great importance to German history , the natural sciences , military history and the Grand Tour .
18 It is said that the pattern is mentioned in records dating back to the fifth century BC , which is to say that it was known well before the Roman invasion .
19 While these discoveries illustrated remarkably well the period of the greatest renown and prosperity of Aphrodisias ( between late Hellenistic times and the early Byzantine era , i.e. , first century BC to the seventh century AD ) , archaeological evidence for a long prehistory dating back to the fifth millennium BC was recorded in excavations of two habitation mounds , or höyük , located at the heart of the Roman city .
20 Ficulle is a small town with ancient origins , which still retains some of its medieval walls and watchtowers dating back to the 13th century .
21 Meanwhile , at Newbury , our archaeologists have worked with the Trust for Wessex Archaeology and unearthed the remains of flint tools from a site dating back to the Middle Stone Age .
22 Beyond Roland are the earliest of the Malá Strana watermills , dating back to the Middle Ages .
23 They represented a common English custom dating back to the Middle Ages and were first mentioned in Stamford in 1486 .
24 The renovation of a harbourside shop in Church Street , Whitby have revealed that it is one of the oldest properties in the town , dating back to the Middle Ages .
25 St Margaret 's Chapel , dating back to the 12th century , is the earliest surviving structure in Edinburgh Castle .
26 Seeds of Acer are rare compared with the leaves , which can be found in rocks dating back to the Cretaceous period .
27 Beneath Denmark Street , west of the city centre , are extensive cellars , dating back to the thirteenth century and once part of an Augustinian monastery .
28 ‘ It 's the oldest quarter in Prague , ’ he went on , ‘ dating back to the thirteenth century . ’
29 Guinness has a long standing tradition of community involvement dating back to the eighteenth century .
30 That has opened new wounds in relationships between the two sides , barely on speaking terms after bad blood dating back to the infamous Shakoor Rana-Mike Gatting bust-up .
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