Example sentences of "[v-ing] other [noun pl] [prep] the same " in BNC.

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1 Some insects , for example , emit a pheromone as an alarm signal , warning other members of the same species of impending danger .
2 There they find all they need-food and water , protection from too much heat or too much cold , space to live in , a place to hide away from animals which might eat them , and a good chance of meeting other animals of the same kind as themselves so that they can reproduce .
3 For example , the author of a paper may , in citing other researchers in the same field , intentionally omit a competitor 's name .
4 Thus , for example , the student with difficulty revising , having drawn up his plan of action , agreed to work on the first item on his list and not to be side-tracked into attempting other items at the same time .
5 A fair employer will already have given thought to the alternatives to redundancy , perhaps even contacting other companies within the same group to see whether vacancies exist elsewhere .
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