Example sentences of "[v-ing] some [prep] [art] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It may also be that women have a greater need of seeing some of the qualities of the future .
2 ABC tracked me down after seeing some of the papers in my case and wanted to know if I could confirm what they 'd been told .
3 Once or twice during the Course he would make an excuse to come to collect something or other , and I think he enjoyed seeing some of the results of the teachers ' acquaintance with the displays .
4 Just now during John 's absence I find amusement and employment in drawing some of the plants of the colony , which will help to render the work on Birds of Australia more interesting .
5 It is likely that the plaintiff will have to satisfy such costs from the damages award , subject to recovering some of the costs from the other party .
6 It was now that the Greeks ( illiterate for several centuries , since the clumsy syllabary evolved in the later Bronze Age had died with the social system it served ) borrowed the suppler consonantal alphabet developed by the Phoenicians and improved on it by using some of the symbols for vowels .
7 And so it 'll be a gentle , I hope and er , reflective type of weekend and er using some of the tools of Ignatius and other tools , cos Ignatius was very er , adaptable er , you know in in methods of prayer and reflection and contemplation .
8 Early water-colours show him already using some of the techniques of miniature painting , and the scale and meticulous detail of all his work suggest that he was truly a miniaturist at heart .
9 Watson 's ignorance was widely presumed to extend to his boss , later the President ; but Bush seems to have perfected the art of attending meetings , talking to North and even encountering some of the fieldworkers of the operations without ever being tainted by what was occurring .
10 Crowood Press is reissuing some of the volumes of its useful Complete Guide series in paperback this month at £9.99 : six titles , at intervals from March to June .
11 I give credit to the people of those regions who , as we have seen , are realising some of the follies of the past .
12 There is also the future possibility of building some of the elements of the European convention on human rights into specific treaty additions of the European Community .
13 The decision was therefore taken to again begin basing some of the fighters on the third airfield at Takali on a permanent basis .
14 My infidelity is at last exposed — all because of that Casebook I opened up , revealing some of the highlights of my 40 years as the Mirror 's Marje .
15 The third is the possibility , suggested also by Katib Celebi 's account of the office and supported to some degree by several contemporary documents , that there may have been a separate official muftilik of Edirne during the period : unfortunately , so shadowy is the evidence for its existence that as matters now stand it merely adds to the confusion , though could the facts about it be discovered , they might go some way toward resolving some of the problems in this vexed period .
16 And erm , it s it seems to be an entirely er rational position for any public politician , for instance , Mrs Thatcher before the seventy-nine election , denying that she had any plans to double V A T , or Mr Major denying some of the plans for raising taxes that we 've come up with , or indeed denying plans to privatise the forestry commission .
17 Second , few of the evaluations discuss the donors ' own role in promoting some of the weaknesses in project design .
18 Of course , in reality there is no united lesbian and gay community with a common set of needs and yet Switchboard attempts a near-unique balancing act of serving some of the needs of all of the people as much of the time as possible .
19 It seems to meet some deep need to atone for modern materialism , by saving some of the materials from the rubbish bin .
20 Mr Heseltine is expected soon to release a white paper on energy policy which could set out plans for saving some of the jobs at pits BC want to close .
21 Bob Smith 's research in Wiltshire , developing some of the implications of the above , has begun to locate and define some of the valley settlements .
22 Nevertheless having said that , er I would say that the County Council 's moved as far as it believes it possibly can do to meeting some of the requests of the the district in providing what we consider a generous , and what other people might consider a overly generous allocation of land .
23 I 'm just meeting some of the girls from work , that 's all . ’
24 Although the DSS is able to assist in meeting some of the costs of residents , the large part of the costs is met from welfare funds raised by the Association .
25 Although the DSS is able to assist in meeting some of the costs of residents , the larger part of the costs are met from welfare funds raised by the Association , and from donations to the Home .
26 Christine Brooke-Rose , a bilingual teacher of English at the University of Paris , in some of her early novels — Out ( 1964 ) and Such ( 1966 ) , for example — — to transfer into English writing some of the characteristics of the nouveau roman .
27 Before describing some of the ways in which the service changed age relations , the continuity of the older methodological practices ( mainly through elaboration ) needs to be emphasized .
28 As well as reducing the control problems which beset British secondary schools , and overcoming some of the difficulties of ‘ secondary transfer ’ , this mode of organisation must also strengthen the relationship between parents and schools .
29 In registering those concerns it was paying some of the penalties of the pioneer , anxious to ensure adequate monitoring of both traditional and novel courses — single subject and multidisciplinary , full-time , part-time and mixed mode , organized by year or in modules .
30 However , it seems worth rehearsing some of the arguments in this particular context again , identifying specifically how these problems can be negotiated in a database using natural language indexing .
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