Example sentences of "[v-ing] his [noun sg] [prep] the [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 Denying his guilt to the last , he said he did n't bear his wife any ill will .
2 Oxford United will be announcing their new manager in the morning — we 'll be revealing his name for the first time , tonight on Central News .
3 THE former chairman of the GLC 's Police Committee and member of Ken Livingstone 's municipal revolutionary guard , Boateng , 40 , has risen rapidly since gaining his seat at the last election .
4 He was educated at home , and at the King Jan Sobieski Gymnasium in Cracow , then at the Jagiellonian University , where he studied physics , mathematics , and philosophy , gaining his doctorate in the last subject ‘ with the highest imperial honours ’ in 1908 .
5 Clearly he was saving his powder for the next negotiating battle in the GATT talks .
6 If Quigley had ever had a chance of regaining his grip on the First Spiritualist Church of South Wimbledon , he had lost all hope of it now .
7 They all sat around , reminding each other of things they all remembered , each waiting his cue for the next reminiscence to be slotted in .
8 Edwards , who played on despite breaking his nose in the first half , insisted : ‘ Widnes created as many chances as we did , but we were a little more clinical in our finishing .
9 He sat in the 1835–7 Parliament as member for Harwich and assistant whip , losing his seat at the next general election .
10 Senior champion Andrew Roche ( Liverpool Mercury-Townsend ) shot to the top of the table by retaining his title for the second successive season and now has 17 points .
11 Evans was found guilty and hanged for murder in July 1949 , protesting his innocence to the last .
12 The Marquis of Blandford has insisted he ca n't be stopped from succeeding his father as the next Duke Of Marlborough .
13 What petty little tin god had been responsible for this I do not know , for Mr Herbert Morrison , the leader of the LCC as it was then , had set the example after the great fire of December 1961 by taking his bed into the next office to his , and staying there all night .
14 Members of the housing committee of the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities were told of a complaint by Tweeddale District Council over a request by a tenant , who was exercising his right-to-buy for the first time , that his fiancee be included as a joint purchaser .
15 Allowing his appeal against the second conviction , the court applied by analogy what their Lordships take to be the principle which underlies the doctrine of autrefois convict .
16 He missed Aintree 's colour and clamour , the release of easing his mount to the first fence after the parade .
17 Barney , of course , is currently struggling his way through the next set of fabulous lyrics for the upcoming New Order album which is staggering to completion .
18 He spent the interval just sitting in his dressing room , gathering his strength for the next act .
19 He would silence noise by poking his head down the first step and yelling threats of appalling punishment .
20 Then he shook his feet free of the stirrups and , lifting his horse for the last time , sent it rearing into the enemy mass to crash and sink amongst them .
21 The TV presenter looked across at the sergeant , as though registering his presence for the first time .
22 Steve Whitton and Dalian Atkinson were Wednesday 's discoverers of the lost art ; Luton 's hero was their £900,000 Danish acquisition , Lars Elstrup , who scored three following his double in the first leg .
23 He saw Dad feeling his way down the last flight of stairs , the pyjamas , the slippers , the blue cardigan cut off just above the elbows , feeling his way through some kind of thick barbiturate mist .
24 When he led 3–1 at the mid-session interval , Hendry looked likely to run away with it , but found himself tied at 3–3 before restoring his lead in the seventh .
25 Husband sat back in his chair and began lighting his pipe for the third time .
26 Richmond said McHale was already planning his side for the next campaign .
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