Example sentences of "[v-ing] for [noun] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The services offered are often generic and when it comes to competing for work from the SSD , ‘ being a Jack of all trades does n't fit easily into the contracting culture ’ .
2 Four crews are also competing for places in the Canadian doubles category though none has yet reached the required Olympic qualifying standard .
3 Medium-sized local radio stations in cities could find themselves competing for revenue with the newcomer , it added .
4 For instance , clauses restricting liability for late delivery , allowing for variation of the delivery date or tolerances in relation to the quantity to be delivered , clauses enabling the proferens to substitute alternative goods for those ordered , to withhold performance of its obligations or vary the terms of the contract , and force majeure clauses excusing non-performance , or extending the time for performance in the event of circumstances outside the proferens ' control , and possibly even clauses giving one party the right to withhold performance , or terminate the contract , in the event of breach by the other party , are all potentially subject to s3 .
5 This situation appears to be even worse as we move south through Europe , since even allowing for differences between the languages , Bjornsson notes that Italian , Spanish and Portuguese papers have very high scores , due in large part to sentences with a mean length of over 30 words .
6 Firstly , as we have already explained , even after allowing for differences in the mix of offender or offence types there is considerable variation in the use of custody on the part of both magistrates courts and Crown Courts in different parts of the country .
7 Also , with the present demographic structure of farmers , together with their greater willingness to consider such matters , an early retirement or outgoers scheme would address the problem of over-supply , as well as allowing for mobility within the industry , and would encourage more young people to enter farming .
8 I felt her hand rooting for mine in the pocket of my jacket .
9 A core gang of 15 spent the entire week at Tywyn , with many more volunteers helping for part of the week .
10 In every aspect of his work Caro is brazenly derivative , depending for effect on the assertiveness of scale , and is , in essence , trivial ; but , translated from the Tate Gallery to the Roman Forum ( see The Art Newspaper No. 18 , May 1992 , p. 5 ) , he is this year the beam in the public 's eye ( would that he were only a mote ) , and thus inevitably the choice of Heaths and Fanfanis .
11 An intricate watering system would eventually replace the army of Baluchistan gardeners who tended not only the road islands but the roundabouts and the young plantations of trees struggling for life under the condemnation of the sun .
12 In his celebrated letter to Chesterfield , Samuel Johnson asks : ‘ Is not a Patron , My Lord , one who looks with unconcern on a Man struggling for Life in the water and when he has reached ground encumbers him with help . ’
13 The delimited field thus consists of agents and institutions and involves three types of struggle — those between ‘ makers ’ of art ( between , say , makers of consecrated art , makers of avant-garde , heretical art , and makers of ‘ middle brow ’ art ( ‘ art moyen ’ ) such as photography , cinema , and jazz , which also is struggling for consecration by the institutions ) , those between makers and ‘ marketers ’ ( in essence the institutions ) , and those between marketers .
14 The rock garden is dismantled , beds filled in , and borders are reduced to ragged strips struggling for survival along the boundary fence .
15 I 've tried they 've got no , they 're struggling for staff at the moment for external training and the they 've said that er
16 She had a vision of him sometimes , struggling for breath beneath the crassness of her impulses , in the same way that she sometimes imagined her fattening body to be asphyxiating his small fine frame in bed .
17 THE RUSSIAN and Ukrainian Presidents struggling for power over the Black Sea Fleet may be pleasing their nationalist countrymen , but the sailors at the fleet 's Crimean headquarters feel only shame and humiliation at the spectacle of a historic navy in chaos .
18 They are also angling for control of the Careers Advisory Service .
19 Praying for peace in the Balkans
20 Gwynne retired to Hamburg , a sad and lonely figure , ‘ rusting for want of the conversation I was used to ’ , until Queen Anne 's death opened the way for him to return to England .
21 Golden and silver Orfes enjoy leaping for flies in the cool of the evening or else swimming vigorously against the flow of water from a waterfall .
22 With this money , he was able to pay all his supporters , and with this added incentive he pressed the Moorish Caliphs so hard that they submitted to him , sueing for peace in the April of 1090 .
23 Booking for events at the Theatre Royal
24 When booking for events at the Theatre Royal please note the seating guides which appear next to each ticket price .
25 Gull-like in appearance , with gliding and soaring flight , they feed by settling on the water and bobbing for plankton at the surface .
26 Buying her new clothes helped , with all the half-forgotten luxury of choosing the models in Dior 's grey-and-gold salon and returning for fittings as the suits and dresses were moulded to her figure .
27 Jack was a native of Crook in County Durham and played for the local amateur side as a junior before signing for Newcastle at the age of 17 .
28 The Yarm Road-based metal fabricator could cash in through its parent company , Trafalgar House , part of a consortium bidding for work on the £8bn new Hong Kong airport project .
29 The male is now primarily involved in breaking up quarrels between females and in repelling approaches by other males either bidding for access to the harem through the formation of a two-male team or , more dangerously , seeking a fight for total replacement .
30 The two forwards , bidding for places in the England side against Canada at Wembley on October 17 , were on the receiving end in their Courage League matches .
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