Example sentences of "[v-ing] that [pron] [vb base] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I want to make it absolutely clear , ’ said Angalo slowly , as a great feathery head nabbled in the water a few inches away , ‘ that if you 're suggesting that we ride on a geese — ‘
2 Homology between DRP and dystrophin extends over their entire length , suggesting that they derive from a common ancestral gene .
3 The corporation was sustaining appalling production losses and Finniston wrote to each of the trade unions suggesting that they meet on the neutral territory of a Heathrow hotel .
4 The letter was dated almost a week previously , and as Merrill read it she realised with dismay that Richard was already in the area and was suggesting that they meet in the lounge of Frobishers ' at seven o'clock on Saturday — this evening .
5 The two men picked their way along the line with the aid of a torch , but before they reached the bridge the Sergeant switched it off suggesting that they tread on the wooden sleepers and as softly as possible .
6 There would have been no reprieve had I deposited my CFI over the side and I suppose that could have happened , I was to learn many years later , however , most of the formation complained that I steered a very erratic course , and I thought it was the CFI touching the control column in his cockpit , and with his feet ( suggesting that I move to the right or the left ) .
7 Meanwhile we should stop pretending that we live in a golden age of literary biography , an art form that all too frequently seems to be founded not so much on spite , as on a fundamental lack of interest in its subject . ’
8 Then , assuming " phantom " chains , the change in free energy per chain as the end-to-end vector R changes to is Averaging over all chains and remembering that we have For a network of n chains per unit volume the change in free energy will be n times this .
9 Some of these should often be preserved ; use intelligent discretion , remembering that they belong to the client .
10 Yes of course yeah , but the , you know , we , we have to , I have to make a report and I have to recommend so I 'm recommending that we forget about the three-way stuff .
11 Ideas , according to Berkeley , are particulars whose significance is explained by saying that they stand for the things they represent .
12 ‘ Using Moorsbus is one way of the public saying that they care for the future of the moors .
13 I will not list Frances ’ numerous qualities but content myself with saying that I know of no one who could fill her position as well as she … ’
14 I know people have written saying that I look like a nun , or could have been a nun , but that 's the last thing I would want to be .
15 It goes without saying that you start with the bottom step , to prevent the concrete falling through to the one below .
16 From 30 June this year , all publicly listed companies will have to include a statement in their annual reports indicating that they comply with the Cadbury code of best practice ( see p 94 ) , or giving reasons for areas of non-compliance .
17 The old lady would have walked back to her villa , but Miguel stopped her by closing the door , and insisting that she wait for a golf cart .
18 So we 're not proposing that you turn off the mainframe on Friday and turn on your Unix or open systems machines with your database on it on Monday .
19 So we 're not proposing that you turn off the mainframe on Friday and turn on open systems on Monday .
20 This can be achieved by ensuring that we fall within the exemption contained in Section 60(1) of the Companies Act , which states that an offer or invitation is not to be treated as made to the public ‘ if it can properly be regarded , in all the circumstances , as not being calculated to result , directly or indirectly , in the shares or debentures becoming available for subscription or purchase by persons other than those receiving the offer or invitation , or otherwise as being a domestic concern of the persons receiving and making it ’ .
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