Example sentences of "[v-ing] to [art] [adj] time [prep] " in BNC.

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1 According to the Financial Times of Jan. 19 , the PLO chairman , Yassir Arafat , had recently threatened to call a PNC meeting and resign if the current peace efforts reached a dead end .
2 Political discussions had centred on the Gulf crisis and on the recent Arab deaths in Jerusalem [ see p. 37759 ] ; all were able to condemn the latter , and according to the Financial Times of Oct. 11 " the Arab side appeared encouraged by what they [ saw ] as French recent acceptance of some linkage between the Gulf and the Arab-Israeli problem " .
3 The country had the highest sulphur dioxide emission per head of population in Europe [ see p. 36792 ] and according to the Financial Times of Feb. 21 , 1990 , one power station burning brown coal in Cottbus produced more pollution annually than Norway and Denmark together .
4 According to the Financial Times of April 26 , 1990 , a joint IMF/World Bank report on the Brady plan stated that fewer deals had been concluded than hoped for and that negotiations between banks and debtors had often taken too long .
5 In the event , however , Shamir 's meeting with Bush in Washington on Dec. 12 was friendly and , according to the Financial Times of Dec. 12 , " appeared to smooth over relations between the two leaders " .
6 In a first step towards removing massive food subsidies , a pilot project to replace state subsidised grain rationing with a free market was to begin on April 1 , according to the Financial Times of March 12 .
7 According to the Financial Times of June 17 , the government signed an agreement , backed by the World Bank , with a consortium of Western companies for the construction of an oil-fired power station worth US$1,300 million , 50 km west of Karachi .
8 The meeting , reportedly called at the instigation of Japan , was dominated by concern over the recent advance of the US dollar which , according to the Financial Times of June 24 , had risen by up to 20 per cent against the German deutschmark and other currencies in recent weeks [ see pp. 37978 ; 38170 ] .
9 According to the Financial Times of July 17 , foreign aid agencies had so far donated US$400,000,000 while an additional US$400,000,000 had been generated from internal sources .
10 There was confusion , however , over the position of the two central banks , Gosbank and Vneshekonombank ( Bank for foreign economic relations ) , whose responsibilities were transferred back from RSFSR to central control on Aug. 29 , and whose chairmen , respectively Viktor Gerashchenko and Yuri Moskovsky were reinstated , according to the Financial Times of Aug. 30 , partly as a result of pressure from European banks .
11 According to the Financial Times of Sept. 19 , the Economic Committee would replace the majority of ministries , which were functioning under their deputy ministers after the resignation of the whole Cabinet in August [ ibid . ] .
12 According to the Financial Times of Oct. 3 , the government was unaffected by the unco-operativeness of the unions , which were " being written out of Mr Solchaga 's script " .
13 Further legislation tabled in 1991 involved ( i ) major educational reforms ( aimed according to the Financial Times of April 24 , 1991 , at " humanizing the gruelling baccalauréat school-leaving examination " to make it achievable for a larger proportion of pupils , by simplifying the syllabuses of the different baccalauréats , shortening and alleviating the school working week and modernizing teaching methods ) ; ( ii ) steps to deal with France 's growing urban problems [ see below and pp. 38113-4 ; 38197-98 ; 38299 ] ; ( iii ) Corsica [ see below ] ; and ( iv ) a new privatization policy [ see p. 38156 ] .
14 According to the Financial Times of Oct. 18 , the formal approval by ministers of the US decision to scrap battlefield nuclear weapons had helped postpone the airing of differences over the deployment of tactical air-to-surface missiles ( TASM ) which a number of NATO 's European partners , especially Germany , were reluctant to accept [ see also pp. 36476-77 ; 37931 ; 38457-58 ] .
15 Many of the ministries based in Moscow and responsible for specific branches of industry would be reconstituted as semi-independent corporations , according to the Financial Times of Nov. 6 .
16 According to the Financial Times of Nov. 22 , the constitution owed much to the French system , allowing substantial presidential powers .
17 Legislation streamlining agricultural laws was approved during March , according to the Financial Times of March 20 , amending 20 existing laws and decrees , and clarifying land tenure rules and pricing and credit policies .
18 According to the Financial Times of March 9 , the SCDM faction advocated a " a more left-wing and nationalist platform " and the split showed " the growing nationalism pervading all political parties in the Slovak republic " .
19 Both the French government and French farming unions traditionally favoured linking farm incomes mainly to prices rather than to " social handouts " ( although , according to the Financial Times of May 22 , there was in late 1991 " a growing realization by farming leaders that some kind of social help was needed to enable an ageing farming population with few successors to retire peacefully " ) .
20 Meanwhile , according to the Financial Times of Aug. 13 , the State Council set up a special group to co-ordinate the government 's response to the Shenzhen riot , headed by Zou Jiahua , a Vice-Premier and the Minister in charge of the State Planning Commission .
21 The government 's priorities were , according to the Financial Times of Oct. 9 , " to cut a growing budget deficit , speed up privatization of state-owned enterprises , depoliticize pay bargaining , and to sustain the export-led recovery in industrial output without reigniting inflation " .
22 According to the Financial Times of Nov. 6 a Russian trade delegation visited Syria in early November for talks on the issue of Syria 's US$15,000 million military debt to the former Soviet Union , resulting in " little progress " .
23 ‘ Fireside Chat ’ , the former two referring to the hard times of the Depression and the latter to Roosevelt 's highly popular radio broadcasts .
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