Example sentences of "[v-ing] in [noun sg] for the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 By the time ‘ taking stock ’ is occurring in preparation for the annual report to parents , priorities are being considered for next year 's Plan .
2 Without knowing it I have been living in poverty for the past 14 years .
3 ‘ I want to feel the embrace of my fans , 100,000 of them , and I 'm waiting to face my rivals with confidence , ’ said the 25-year-old , who has been training in Sestriere for the past few weeks .
4 The rapist was already lying in wait for the twenty eight year old woman when she arrived home last night .
5 Morrison only completed some light running in the morning session at the army camp on a pitch which could have doubled as a minefield such were the undulations and mini-lagoons lying in wait for the unsuspecting .
6 This elaborate state structure , providing in principle for the greatest possible degree of local self-government , was none the less based upon the principle of democratic centralism which meant that , in the last resort , central decisions could be imposed upon levels of government below them .
7 I am soaked , cold and not a little lacking in enthusiasm for the next try .
8 In the ‘ worst case scenario , ’ say MAFF and DoE , ‘ it is possible that most of the Anglian region would have to be declared a water protection zone as well as substantial parts of Severn Trent and other areas , accounting in total for the great bulk of the UK arable protection area . ’
9 Christian churches throughout Jerusalem , Israel proper and the occupied territories took the unprecedented step of closing in protest for the whole day of April 27 , and the controversy encouraged an improvement in relations between the normally conservative Greek Orthodox community and Palestinian Christians ; the Middle East International of April 27 reported that , soon after the Jews took over the hospice , a Palestinian flag had been raised on a nearby Greek Orthodox Church .
10 It was the first truly successful undersea cable , continuing in business for the next 24 years .
11 Rotting in prison for the best part of his life , or a dishonourable death at the end of a rope .
12 However , others in the industry are concerned about ‘ cowboy ’ companies dabbling in biotechnology for the first time and about the commercial offshoots of universities which are scaling up laboratory experiments — often on shoestring budgets .
13 Doyle drove straight to the Isle of Wight , arriving in time for the eleven-thirty ferry .
14 Many pistoliers will be fighting in battle for the first time .
15 Symbol seems to be thought of just as standing in place for the real thing because that is absent .
16 The conference is for those working in education for the over-16s and the Youth and Community Services and will demonstrate the multi-ethnic , multicultural nature of European society .
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