Example sentences of "[v-ing] and [verb] in the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 We enjoyed walking and playing in the surrounding countryside .
2 Once the baby is born , bouts of anger , sulking and withdrawing in the early stages of parenthood suggest that the identification continues ; men can sometimes be as post-natally depressed as their partners .
3 All round the coast fishing provided the chief by-employment , outranking both clothing and tinning in the south-eastern quarter of the county .
4 The antler and noose would be used in the mock execution of the Morrisman , and the wild jig would bring everyone on to the green , laughing and screaming in the hot , summer night …
5 And then , as they all stood laughing and chattering in the cold wind , the sense of desolation swept over him again .
6 The Hilliard Ensemble marks the quincentenary here with two distinct discs , one of works by composers associated with the courts of Ferdinand and Isabella , and other of music by Hispanic musicians living and working in the New World .
7 We camped on a terrace above the lake and had a splendid bathe , swimming and splashing in the fresh clear water .
8 The sun beating down on them and the children splashing and laughing in the shallow end .
9 As part of Stone Grove , a four-piece band who have spent the last two years quietly writing and recording in the relative obscurity of Clapton , east London , Simon has been revising , reassessing , investigating his roots , or in his own words , ‘ taking notes ’ .
10 He unhitched his mare , and led her warily down the slope to the Goldbach stream , stumbling and shivering in the raw morning air .
11 For a while I felt I was in heaven , eating and drinking in the warm , pretty room , with kind Miss Temple and Helen .
12 Andy recovered quickly , sucking on the oxygen , coughing and spluttering in the warm bath , then being dried and taken to a warmed bed and watched over by his parents .
13 The river was carpeted with them , turning and dipping in the fast-flowing waters as they swept towards the Chickamaw Weir and Sharpsburg Corners .
14 It will also be a time of rejoicing and feasting in the Messianic banquet ( Matt.
15 A whole family sat in this , nattering and chuckling in the brown steam .
16 The price wars that have left them bleeding and dying in the personal computer field this year are going to spread to the margin-rich personal computer server , Computer Reseller News predicts .
17 It is not difficult to see how role play and drama can be used to achieve many of the Attainment Targets for Speaking and Listening in the English National Curriculum documents .
18 Bicker was there , looking as tired as if he and not they had been riding and fighting in the past three days .
19 Bands appear in the streets , and folklore groups are dancing and singing in the central reservations and gardens of Funchal .
20 She seems to thrive on heretical statements and swimming against the tide : ‘ I look at what the cosmetic trade is doing and walk in the opposite direction , ’ she declares with the kind of outspoken defiance that has made her a retailing legend in the decade it took her to turn The Body Shop into a worldwide phenomenon .
21 17.22 The full development of both reading and writing in the secondary years requires a broad definition of text to encompass both literary and non literary forms .
22 I had expected it to be best for trenching and shaping in the vertical position , but on all but the softest of timbers it failed to supply a substantial cut .
23 More parrots were lined up along the shore , skirts hitched to their knees , paddling and screaming in the chilly water .
24 Take off scarves , too , while your child is playing and tuck in the dangling toggles on anoraks and jackets .
25 For those who rear children , one of the most difficult tasks if not the most difficult , is learning the art of instilling and developing in the young mind that mysterious thing which we call the conscience .
26 The final report of the working party considering the content of music courses in the National Curriculum strongly affirms the centrality of performing , composing and listening in the new syllabus .
27 He lurched forward and groped his way up the staircase , gasping and retching in the stale air .
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