Example sentences of "[v-ing] and [verb] [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Nerves were a problem he always found difficult to combat and the full glare of the spotlight made walking and singing a tall order that day .
2 As the guns were still being fired , a Syrian tank came lunging up the shattered street where we had just been walking and entered the tiny square .
3 Real maids are quite different , moaning and wailing and kissing the local bobby between the dustbin and the outhouse .
4 Some lectures were some way even from this loose definition of science : John Ruskin lectured on Verona and Italian art in 1870 , and Richard Westmacott , who was both a Royal Academician and FRS , on art five weeks later — but he talked particularly on the question of assembling and conserving the Greek sculpture in the British Museum .
5 Finn senior was convicted of criminal damage , wounding and possessing an offensive weapon .
6 The important thing is to recognise that it is happening and take the relevant action .
7 We were ordinary seafaring men and founding and running a national union was , to say the least , a job for which we had had no training .
8 Yassin , arrested in May 1989 , had confessed to founding and directing a hostile organization , as well as to homicide , incitement and the possession of firearms .
9 The new party is also dedicated to ‘ fighting for the right of self-determination of the Tamils and Muslims ’ and ‘ protecting and preserving the geographical identity and integrity of the traditional homelands of the Tamils and Muslims ’ .
10 Adopting and extending the Gothic taste for punctuating walls with large windows , he built a skeletal structure depending for its stability on the skilful use of flying buttresses .
11 Some few may write a Declaration , others may sign it , but they are stating what has been God 's law from the beginning , ‘ That all men are created equal … that … ’ ’ he paused and consulted his watch again , opening and closing the engraved case with a brisk snap .
12 But compared , say , to a President of the United States or France , the tasks of cultivating and presenting the Prime Minister 's personality are probably less demanding .
13 He looked across at the other two , who were laughing and taking a long time to get Maggie 's drink .
14 Mandy was sitting at a table with other staff , all of them laughing and having a wonderful time .
15 She was laughing and relishing the delicious feeling of her breasts exposed to the warm night air .
16 So although Attlee 's cabinet of the post-war years was instrumental in promoting and drafting the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms , few thought it necessary or desirable that this guarantee of freedom should become part of English law .
17 He glanced around to make sure everyone was listening and had a good view , and then he continued .
18 The examples are : " revising and improving the whole curriculum for a particular year group , taking account of the programmes of study and attainment targets of the National Curriculum ; developing a whole-school assessment policy , including marking and recording ; piloting a scheme for staff development and appraisal " ( DES 1989e:11 ) .
19 He hopes to spend time exploring the challenges of ‘ spirituality and non-literate young people ’ with an emphasis on communicating and sharing the good news , working with the bible and the issue of ongoing nurture .
20 These developments hold great promise for severely disabled people who , although dependent on a machine , can have a feeling of relative independence ; their range of control in communicating and getting an appropriate response is increased and they are less dependent on people to carry out a number of everyday living activities .
21 ‘ Now they can stop pretending and make a clean break and a clean start .
22 The people who are seizing and occupying the present time can not belong in my colour , they 're like the bits that leap out of a spinning bowl , too heavy , too separate and distinct to be blended in with the other substances ; red-hot stones , flung out and setting on fire the place where they land .
23 Contribute to and respond constructively in discussion or debate , advocating and justifying a particular point of view .
24 John Bowlby , the man who pioneered what has become known as ‘ attachment theory ’ , drew a military analogy to underline the importance of establishing and maintaining a secure base in handling unfamiliar and threatening situations :
25 One highly important way in which capital gains an advantage in this conflict is , they claim , through capital establishing and maintaining a dominant ideology which legitimates the status quo .
26 And to stimulate their observation we must give them suitable subjects , within their personal experience — and we must see that they get the experience of looking and observing the visual world around them .
27 Upon the Palace being accepted into the 1st Division of the Southern League , Woodger continued to progress as a valuable goalscorer , as well as developing and displaying a full range of skills .
28 Shortly before that , I had gone into business with Mrs Edna Kirby , trading as KB Enterprises ( John Birch ) Ltd. , developing and producing a new type of UVA Sunbed .
29 Within education there has been the long standing view that the individual teacher is the key resource to developing and delivering a high quality service .
30 A proposal for developing and exploiting a medium scale macromodel of the UK
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