Example sentences of "[v-ing] and [verb] [art] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Dust-wreathed propellers turn overhead , twisting and turning the grime of centuries into the crannies of the moulded ceiling .
2 The actual technique is to jet a small area and as spray or steam obscures the action to stop jetting and assess the effect before continuing .
3 This was an especial worry in Ireland , where the peasantry left the mounds alone as the tombs of former kings and queens ; if enthusiastic archaeologists took control , in no time they would be sacrilegiously interfering and flourishing the thighbone of some ancient Irish king .
4 It looked afresh at the elements in the established balance between the CNAA and its institutions , retaining standards at the centre of debate , defining a continuing role for the CNAA , justifying and describing the process towards greater institutional autonomy , conceding the need to take account of different stages of development , and looking towards possible implications for the whole of higher education .
5 Now , it is by becoming and remaining the counterparty to contracts that LCH ensures performance by its own commercial strength and integrity , under the supervision of the Securities and Investments Board ( SIB ) , the regulatory agency under the 1986 Act .
6 This was never articulated directly , a variety of subtler means were employed ; humour , to engage an audience and convey an important message without alienation ; sensuality , in a particular response to materials and experimentation , a need to manipulate materials and accepted methods of doing things in order to extend traditional boundaries , blurring and redefining the nature of art , craft and commercial design .
7 An area of cleared moor was cordoned off with a wind-powered electric fence to allow heather regrowth , a method which could be repeated elsewhere ; next year 's plans for the estate , five miles north of Pateley Bridge , include protecting and encouraging the spread of bilberry , the indigenous upland plant which disappeared from large tracts of moor when bracken moved in .
8 Led by the Head of Preservation the Preservation Division is primarily responsible for protecting and prolonging the life of the collections .
9 The Corporation of London was appointed Conservators of the Forest , with the duty of protecting and managing the forest as an open space for the recreation and enjoyment of the public : a duty it discharged through an Epping Forest Committee .
10 We continued to take a keen interest in protecting and improving the quality of Welsh rivers , lakes and coastal waters .
11 He was a leading light in the Cinematograph Exhibitors ' Association and expanded his business by acquiring and developing a chain of cinemas — which he named Vogue — in places like Govan , Rutherglen and Shettleston .
12 The subtle differences have brought a strength and depth of study to the discipline of building surveying and created the sense of identity so palpably missing in the 1960s .
13 Simply mention this offer when booking and take a copy of this magazine with you on your first visit .
14 And then , for ten , twenty , forty hours or so the millions sit back to watch the show as the huge tropical storm lashes and bursts and howls its way around the islands , shaking , shuddering and drenching the place as if it held all the concentrated fury of nature and had decided to unleash it upon this one unfortunate spot .
15 The study of the Old Testament also had the practical purpose of explaining and justifying the organisation of the Church which was foreshadowed in the history of Israel and now through the sacraments offered all peoples the hope of salvation .
16 Here he is , h h he has the very unpleasant duty of explaining and justifying the drafting of this measure a a and I do hope it would be , it would be really rather an unexpected realisation of an ambition , but nevertheless one hopes eternal if my Noble Friend were to get up and say that as a result these few remarks that I have been tempted to make that some kind of effort is going to be made to tidy up as th th the processes whereby er such stuff appears , is allowed to appear on the pages of the Statute Book er er I do recall that when the Charities Bill was going through several committees , my Noble Friend was n't who who was d d dealing with the Bill in , on behalf of the Government was exceedingly helpful and I hope that he will show the same degree of goodwill today er and , and , and er h if he 's very clear and devote is very considerable energies to persuading those professional obs obfuscators who are responsible for this kind of garbage to do better in the future .
17 Party loyalty is by no means an irrelevant factor in explaining and predicting the behaviour of congressmen , but on any issue that they perceive to be contentious within their districts nobody expects a member of Congress to put party before district .
18 I have already explored in relation to Gide and others the kind of rebellion whose test they retrospectively failed , namely , transgression as a quest for authenticity : underpinning and endorsing the philosophy of individualism , it suggests that in defying a repressive social order we can dis-cover ( and so be true to ) our real selves .
19 The doe visits periodically to feed them , opening and closing the entrance on each occasion .
20 This chapter discusses the types of involvement memory may be expected to have in driving and reviews the role of subjective risk in driving .
21 One morning Jess stopped dusting and took a book from the shelf , admiring the gold edges to the pages and the soft green leather binding .
22 In 1696 he was arrested for signing and circulating an appeal for charitable contributions to relieve the extruded clergy .
23 She finished her ladling and pushed the plate of mutton stew and dumplings towards Agnes ; then , the ladle held above the casserole dish , she was about to dip it in again when Agnes said in an offhand manner , ‘ What a pity you are n't a widow , Mother , you could have had dear Henry yourself . ’
24 Rather than concentrating almost exclusively on the training of direct service practitioners , they should probably be devoting more resources to training professional personnel who will function in indirect service roles , directing , co-ordinating and supervising the work of paraprofessional personnel and providing appropriate in-service training for them .
25 A gust of wind throws rain against the window and shakes the frame ; it 's loud and surprising and I flinch but he just turns slowly and looks out into the darkness with what could almost be contempt before laughing and putting an arm round my shoulder and suggesting we have another drink .
26 Express a point of view on complex subjects cogently and with clarity , applying and interpreting a range of presentational strategies and assessing their own effectiveness accurately .
27 If I shift in my harness and lean nervously backwards I can see my partner creeping nearer on a wall of loosely compacted rubble , brushing and blowing the sand from the holds as he swings upwards .
28 While his aims for promoting and facilitating the process of standard setting are admirable , there still remains the conflict between general practitioners wishing to provide a high standard of clinical care and the family health services authorities ' agenda for managing the structure and process of the provision of care with inadequate funding .
29 In addition to its function as a crucial teaching and learning method , talk is now widely recognised as promoting and embodying a range of skills and competence — both transactional and social — that are central to children 's overall language development .
30 Although involved in organising , promoting and initiating a range of small business related schemes , the London Enterprise Agency sees the London Enterprise Programme as its ‘ most notable activity … widely considered to be the best of its kind ’ ( London Enterprise Agency Annual Report , December , 1984 ) .
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