Example sentences of "[num] [noun prp] [noun] [verb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The troubled 1986 ICL start-up housing the Distributed Array Processing , DAP , technology — built on the single instruction multiple data technique of massively parallel processing — has been in the hands of the receiver , Price Waterhouse , since June 16 .
2 The egalitarian implications of this announcement led the Governor-General of Moscow to ask the tsar for clarification , with the result that on 30 March Alexander made the oral remarks which are usually taken to represent the beginning of the emancipation process .
3 In 1933 Princess Victoria joined the royal Yacht from this quay .
4 In his speech on 26 March Gorbachev reiterated the Soviet proposals for the Mediterranean which had been issued previously following discussions with Malta .
5 After my return to England I was able to continue my interest in Burma 's future , for when General Aung San and his colleagues came to London for consultations with the British Government , Mr Attlee asked me to 10 Downing Street to introduce the various members to him .
6 The triumph of Fidel Castro 's 26 July Movement took the Soviet Union completely by surprise .
7 On Friday 10 May students occupied the Latin quarter of Paris and built 60 barricades , which were violently attacked by the CRS .
8 In his inaugural address on taking office in January 1991 President Serrano credited the previous President , Vincio Cerezo Arévalo , with promoting national peace talks to end 30 years of civil war [ see pp. 37372 ; 37527 ; 37707 ] but also blamed his administration for the current economic crisis and social unrest and for the country 's lack of international credibility due to widespread corruption and human rights violations .
9 Six UK licencees include the Prudential Building Society , the Post Office and Swiss Bank — North West Water is said to be taking a look .
10 It says : ’ On Monday 7 October LETEC hosted the national press launch for the new Employment Action programme .
11 By an order dated 5 August 1991 Waite J. granted the foster mother leave to apply for judicial review of the decision of the local authority to remove from placement with her the four children D. , born on 5 June 1978 , T. , born on 2 January 1980 , A. , born on 23 April 1981 , and K. , born on 21 November 1982 , who were in the care of the local authority .
12 Key provisions included ( i ) the requirement that the necessary plant be installed to reduce emissions of 41 listed industrial pollutants by 70 per cent by 1995 — a deadline extended to 2003 for a further 148 pollutants ; ( ii ) a phased reduction in annual emissions of sulphur dioxide , to 10,000,000 tonnes ; and ( iii ) a requirement that from 1992 only high-oxygen petrol could be sold in the 44 US cities suffering the highest levels of carbon monoxide pollution .
13 Of these , the earliest was probably founded in Liberia , where in 1826 Charles Force started the monthly Liberia Herald , whose motto was ‘ Freedom is the Brilliant Gift of Heaven . ’
14 Eventually , in 1921 Marie Stopes opened the first birth control clinic .
15 On July 15-17 Chaim Herzog became the first Israeli President to visit Turkey .
16 In an article in Corriere della Sera , an Italian newspaper , Mr Monti praised Mr Fazio 's personal qualities , but pointed out that in 1984 Mr Fazio believed the central bank would be wrong to resist government pressure to finance its deficit .
17 In 1975 Hugo Young analysed the educational background of 31 appointees to the High Court during the previous five years .
18 Up to 600 Bewick swans make the long journey from Russia between October and December and return to Siberia in February .
19 The top three Ulster outfits face the English giants in a series of friendlies at Blaris and Olympia over next weekend .
20 The top three Ulster outfits face the English giants in a series of friendlies at Blaris and Olympia over next weekend .
21 Kidd glanced across at the cornered Volkswagen , its terrified inhabitant , the three FBI men examining the empty attaché case , two more Yankees standing back and staring hopefully at the sky , and three of his colleagues trying to take statements .
22 In 1917 Dorothy Richardson married the consumptive artist Alan Odle , fifteen years her junior , whom she looked after until his death in 1948 , spending half the year in London and half in Cornwall .
23 Golf : Wadkins and Sluman set the pace with 65s Michael Williams sees the impressive Richardson and Wolstenholme lead Britain 's early challenge at Augusta
24 In an article in the Guardian in 1986 J. Matthew made the same point : ‘ This is little different from the GCE/CSE dual system , except that the segregation will be hidden , all certificates being headed GCSE . ’
25 January 1992 Maria Corral announces the formal opening of the Reina Sofía , with its own collections , for May 1992 .
26 On May 4 President Najibullah lifted the national state of emergency which had first been imposed following the Soviet troop withdrawal in February 1989 [ see p. 36449 ; for extension of state of emergency in May and November see pp. 36656 ; 37043 ] .
27 On 12 May 1992 Waite J. made the following order whose terms had been formulated by leading counsel then appearing for J. 's mother :
28 By an order dated 30 March 1992 Waite J. granted the local authority 's application under section 100(3) of the Children Act 1989 for leave to invoke the court 's inherent jurisdiction to determine whether artificial ventilation and/or other life-saving measures should be given to J. , an infant for whom the local authority shared parental responsibility pursuant to a care order made under the Act of 1989 , if he were to suffer a life-threatening event .
29 In 1764 Angelica Kauffman met the German art lover Joachim Winkelmann , She painted his portrait , showing him casually dressed , holding a quill , seated over an open writing book .
30 By an order dated 24 January 1992 Cazalet J. granted the local authority leave to issue a summons under the inherent jurisdiction of the High Court for W. to be given medical treatment without her consent and directed that she be joined as a defendant and the Official Solicitor be appointed as her guardian ad litem .
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