Example sentences of "[num] [adv] [adj] [noun pl] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Hill House caters for 12 mentally handicapped residents with learning difficulties .
2 She has also starred in advertisements for Harp and Lenor and been named in Tatler as one of the six most beautiful women in London .
3 In surveys of the retail outlets in Akihabara , a well-known electronics outlet area in Tokyo , the Macintosh LCIII and the Mac Colour Classic ranked in the top 10 most popular computers for sales in February , coming in at numbers six and nine respectively .
4 Now on this slide we have a hexagon , there are six probably important facets in terms of standards which we should follow or adopt in the development of the product .
5 The military itself was subject to serious unrest in January 1991 following new appointments by Gen. Luis Alonso Discua , the new C.-in-C. of the armed forces , who was known to be more moderate than his predecessor Gen. Arnulfo Cantarero López , who resigned in December 1990 .
6 Joan Daniels is proud to have six very keen pairs of Mums and Daughters , with three duos , the Clarke 's , the Douglas 's and the Pemberton 's in one Class together .
7 Up to 180 people , 30 in each of six very different localities in Britain — a Welsh mining village , a London inner city area , scattered rural villages in Scotland etc — are being interviewed in depth about their experiences and perceptions of Britain 's political processes and institutions .
8 HE was renowned for the three most famous words in tennis — ‘ Oh , I say . ’
9 The three most probable sources of delay will by now have passed : obtaining a local land charges certificate of search ( unless with your client 's approval you 've sacrificed this sacred cow for a personal search ) ; the buyer obtaining a mortgage advance ; and the survey report , which both the buyer and the buyer 's mortgagee will have required .
10 The three most important ministries in terms of mass control — Interior , Justice and Labour — continued to have Falangist ministers , while the economic ministries — Treasury , Agriculture , Commerce and Industry — were to be run by men committed to state interventionism and national self-sufficiency .
11 The agony of Othello 's realization that he has been duped into killing Desdemona is one of the two or three most intense sequences in Shakespeare .
12 This chapter and Chapter 5 consider the three most popular theories of language development to emerge in recent years , beginning with the publication of Skinner 's book Verbal Behaviour in 1957 .
13 The three most popular mixes in catering are 18/10 , which is the most expensive , 18/8 and 13/0 .
14 If that seems like faint praise , you should read the dozen most recent books on Paradise Lost .
15 In the eighteenth century , Montesquieu argued that there were three entirely separate functions of government : legislative , executive and judicial , and that these three functions should be exercised by entirely separate organs , Parliament , the Executive and the Courts .
16 Three particularly objective masters of choreography are de Valois in Job and The Rake 's Progress , Massine with such different ballets as The Good - Humoured Ladies and The Three-Cornered Hat and MacMillan with Mayerling and Requiem .
17 There have been broadly three quite different approaches to RE which are still discernible today .
18 Taking the average of those three quite different sets of figures , we draw the conclusion , as does Age Concern , which has advised the Committee and hon. Members in general on this , that the average single person 's income is 60 per cent .
19 Since 1960 very precise tests of GR have become possible thanks to advances in technology .
20 Several groups of them specialise in this diet and each has evolved a long sticky tongue entirely independently : a marsupial , the numbat , in Australia ; a distant relative of primitive antelopes , the aardvark in Africa ; the pangolins of Asia and Africa which are covered in a mail of horny plates so that they resemble giant animated fir-cones ; and the three very different ant-eaters of South America , the gazelle-sized giant of the savannahs , the squirrel-sized pygmy from the forest canopy , and the monkey-sized tamandua from its mid-storey .
21 Of course , the Ulster contribution to Britain 's fighting forces is legendary , and Arthur has chosen to feature accounts from three Ulstermen in three very different theatres of operations .
22 That 's what makes us significant , three very different kinds of people able to work together in a band . ’
23 The Jordanian government closed its al-Ruweishid post on the border with Iraq to all non-Jordanian refugees on Jan. 10 , but reopened it on Jan. 18 following renewed promises of UN aid to help with the costs of accommodating refugees from Kuwait and Iraq .
24 Oxfam is trying to recall seven thousand potentially deadly necklaces on sale in its shops .
25 This special afternoon sale will put on offer an album of fifty-eight previously unknown drawings by Henry Fuseli .
26 This can be explained in part by the large numbers of dogs that were imported initially , but it is clear that the breed has really taken off and is now firmly established in the top ten most popular breeds in New Zealand .
27 The author is quick to point out that Japanese is one of the ten most difficult languages on earth to learn .
28 He claimed that an expanded L Detachment could on the same night simultaneously attack the ten most important aerodromes in Libya and Cyrenaica , the bulk storage points on the enemy lines of communication and the main airfields in Crete , Rhodes , Greece and possibly Sicily .
29 IRELAND 'S bowlers bounced right back into contention in the Men 's U-25 Home International Championships in Carlisle yesterday when they shrugged off an opening match defeat from England to beat Scotland and stay in contention for the title .
30 Signers 1 and 3 also used lip-patterns in conjunction with English , but these supported the signing and never appeared on their own .
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