Example sentences of "[num] [noun pl] after the first [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In most subjects a second bolus containing a different quantity of bicarbonate to the first was infused 30 minutes after the first bolus .
2 Ostenecrosis was mentioned for the first time when the patient was seen by an orthopaedic surgeon with new radiographs ( see Figs 1 and 3 ) 30 months after the first bowel symptoms .
3 Just 45 minutes after the first emergency call , replacement product is with the customer .
4 Six months after the first birth , a wife 's evaluation of marriage is likely to be lower than that of her husband , and by eighteen months conflict may reach a peak .
5 A comparison is therefore made in Table 4.8 between action and control groups at the time of the second assessment ( approximately six months after the first assessment ) on receipt of some of the main forms of statutory help to those living at home : home help , meals-on-wheels , social worker , community psychiatric nurse , district nurse or bathing assistant , and day care ( day centre or day hospital ) .
6 The risk of developing cancer is increased in those individuals who have had extensive colitis for more than 10 years after the first attack , the cumulative cancer rate being 7% at 20 years and 17% at 30 years disease duration .
7 An excellent recreation of the funfair type shooting range with an extra six levels after the first screen .
8 Contractile activity increases promptly with food ingestion ( within one to three minutes after the first mouthful of food ) and lasts several hours after ingestion of a meal .
9 Nearly 35 years after the first lawsuit , arguments over responsibility and compensation for Minamata are still ploughing through the Japanese courts .
10 Nearly 600 years after the first building it was to suffer a most ignoble period for the old building , within whose walls had been seen some of the highest in the land , was to become a Workhouse .
11 Some three weeks after the first anniversary of her husband 's death , she telephoned saying , ‘ Thank you for your letter ’ ( this being the one I had written a year earlier ) .
12 Sixteen hours after the first assault , the Pentagon said the invasion force had ended ‘ all organised resistance ’ by the Panamamian Defence Force , although scattered soldiers were still fighting .
13 It was agreed that ( i ) a system of proportional representation in the Assembly of the Republic ( legislature ) would be adopted ; ( ii ) legislative and presidential elections would be held simultaneously within one year of the signing of a ceasefire accord , although this deadline could be extended ; ( iii ) presidential candidates would be at least 35 years old and their candidacies supported by a minimum of 10,000 signatures ; ( iv ) the minimum voting age and that for the representatives in the Assembly would be 25 years , although there was an expectation that these would be reduced to 18 years after the first set of elections ; ( v ) a National Electoral Commission , one-third of whose members would be appointed by the MNR , would organize the electoral process , determining for example the number of seats per region ; and ( vi ) the government would assist the MNR to secure appropriate facilities to carry out its political work in at least every provincial capital .
14 The operations take place on June the 21st , exactly 4 days after the first transplant .
15 Ten days after the first herald , the King sent another man in , of slightly less seniority , to repeat the royal offer .
16 RJ Mitchell died fifteen months after the first flight of the Spitfire .
17 Under the care of this gentleman he remained near a week ; when , not finding that relief he hoped for , Dr Scott was requested to assist Dr Crawford , but with no better success , for notwithstanding the united efforts of these eminent physicians , the fevers and faintings encreased [ sic ] till they ended in delirium and death on the 21st , being seventeen days after the first attack ’ .
18 Twenty minutes after the first radio signal , Lawton finished his pre-flight checks .
19 Mankind has a powerful desire to rationalise its actions ; and when people found themselves ten , twenty years after the First World War still paying housing subsidies , this desire to rationalise , and perhaps a natural sense of shame , forbade them to recognise that they were doing so merely out of unwillingness to recognise that 1914 prices and money values had gone for ever .
20 One hit was scored against Scharnhorst , but both ships hit the old liner time and time again and 14 minutes after the first shot , it was all over .
21 The patient complained of spontaneous pain diffusely in the right knee two months after the first bowel symptoms , 28 days after the start of prednisolone treatment , and after a cumulative dose of 2.3 g .
22 It was also agreed that both sides " shall jointly make efforts to adopt documents for the verification of the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula within two months after the first meeting of the North-South Joint Nuclear Control Committee " , and that inspections would begin within 20 days of the adoption of these documents .
23 Veteran Japanese player , Isao Aoki , originally penalised two strokes after the first round for grounding his club in a bunker , disqualified himself from the tournament before the second round .
24 Republican Local soviets Supreme Soviet Armenia ( to be decided ) due on May 20 Azerbaijan ( to be decided ) ( to be decided ) Byelorussia March 4 March 4 Estonia Dec. 10 , 1989 March 18 Georgia due on June 17 ( to be decided ) Kazakhstan Dec. 24 , 1989 March 25 Kirghizia Feb. 25 Feb. 25 Latvia Dec. 10 , 1989 March 18 Lithuania ( to be decided ) Feb. 24 Moldavia Feb. 25 Feb. 25 Russian Federation March 4 March 4 Tadjikistan Dec. 24 , 1989 Feb. 25 Turkmenia Jan. 7 Jan. 7 Ukraine March 4 March 4 Uzbekistan Feb. 18 Feb. 18 *Second round run-off elections were held generally two weeks after the first round in constituencies where contests between more than two candidates had failed to produce a winner with over 50 per cent of the vote .
25 Two weeks after the first announcement , Phar-Mor filed a damages claim against its auditors , Coopers , alleging ‘ grossly negligent , intentional or reckless failure to uncover massive fraud ’ .
26 Two days after the first call he rang again .
27 In 1735 , four years after the first folio edition , an octavo abridgement appeared in two volumes , with plates reduced , but containing the whole of the practical part and species included in the folio .
28 A warning was telephoned to the Samaritans and the BBC seven minutes after the first explosion .
29 Twenty two months after the first signs of bowel symptoms , 20 months after the first complaint of knee pain , and 14 months after finishing steroid treatment both knees were clinically normal .
30 Yet the World Bank has conducted and published project audits on average seven years after the first disbursement of funds , and three years after the final year of disbursement .
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