Example sentences of "[num] [noun pl] will [verb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In some cases these Rios 2 chips will overlap the PowerPC in performance while others should outperform it 50% to 100% at the same clock speeds thanks to superscalar technology .
2 Their half-lives of about 30 years will determine the length of time over which the doses will be delivered .
3 Perhaps the combination of the growing strength of the feminist movement in this country and the expanding numbers of older women over the next twenty to forty years will provide the keys to political and social change .
4 The 22 teams will leave the starting ramp at four minute intervals to cover 63 kilometres in tight formation .
5 The directors of the company have given the Panel a written assurance that the company 's 1991 accounts will meet the requirements in full and the Panel has decided to take no further action .
6 Six readers will have the opportunity to meet the BBC Good Food team at the second BBC Good Food readers ' lunch , to be hosted by Perrier at an award-winning Les Routiers restaurant in Yorkshire .
7 Despite this , if the three immediate hurdles discussed above can be overcome — and the signs are that they will be — then the next six months will see the crisis management of the last half year replaced by more positive discussion about the pace and nature of convergence .
8 In four years ’ time the world 's biggest nuclear power station — a £70 million project with a capacity of 500 megawatts will dominate the scene . ’
9 These three Plans will form the basis of a statutory District Wide Local Plan , required under the terms of the Planning and Compensation Act 1991 . ’
10 This year 72,000 fans will see the cream of the heavy metal scene such as Iron Maiden , Sid Row and W.A.S.P perform an avalanche of blistering music .
11 There 's nothing really daring about their show , no gambles , unless you amuse yourself by guessing which of the three vocalists will leave the stage next .
12 The three officers will agree the terminology of the request .
13 Three examples will illustrate the importance of deciding whether a particular activity ought to be regulated by public law or private law .
14 The first three prizes will win the Baltoro Reversible Windstopper Jacket .
15 The three components will enable the assessment of wider social , economic , and environmental objectives , as well as an assessment of the impact of an individual initiative .
16 The new arrangements for Coca-Cola to be the official soft drink at all three events will cover the years 1993 , 1994 and 1995 .
17 He hopes that the cohesion and character which England have shown for most of the last 11 months will bridge the gap in sheer talent which will continue to separate the two teams .
18 ‘ But I promise the the next 18 months will see the MEP having an effect . ’
19 Several thousand drivers will hope the engineers are right , this time .
20 If present trends continue , it is estimated that around 1 in 4 children will experience the divorce of their parents before they reach 16 ( Haskey , 1990 ) .
21 He explained , ‘ As I watched , I thought , ‘ I hope he does n't blame the bunker ’ , because when the cameras are on them , nine out of ten pros will blame the bunker when they leave their ball in the sand .
22 6 Entries will become the property of Haymarket Motoring Publications Ltd. 7 It is a condition of entry that the rules of the competition are accepted as final and that competitors agree to be bound by the rules .
23 Further sections of this pattern would then go into subsequent stitch pattern areas , but bear in mind that we do not wish to overflow the memory , while the next section of 88 squares will fill the working memory .
24 This gradual build-up of reps over the first 3 sessions will reduce the amount of stiffness and soreness experienced in the muscles at the start of the programme .
25 Such is the pulling power of Europe 's richest race , the Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe , that up to 10,000 Britons will make the journey this weekend , making a considerable impact in a total crowd of 35,000 .
26 It 's expected as many as 150,000 lorries will use the terminal every year .
27 Ten runners-up will receive The Break With Kit Kat baseball caps and T-shirts plus a supply of Kit Kats .
28 In order to ensure that all 27 countries will sign the treaty , however , the negotiators have deleted all references to coastal waters from the original draft .
29 About 27 relatives will visit the site in mountains above the Nepalese capital of Katmandu as a way of coming to terms with their grief .
30 Next Friday the firm 's nine partners will mark the occasion with a special dinner at Headlam Hall , followed later in the year by a staff celebration .
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