Example sentences of "[num] [noun pl] [adv prt] [prep] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 For example on the building that we 're talking about shifting , first of all we 've got to find a site for the thing , then we 've got to get planning permission , then we 've got to get the actual permission of the owner of the land , then we 've got to make sure that erm electricity 's laid on , that there 's water laid on , that there 's some sort of toilet or other facilities and so on , and when you add all that up it 's quite a complicated sort of series of bureaucratic procedures you 've got to go through and it 's not a question of , you know , of people saying to us as Councillors well , you know , do this for us and we can magic it out in six months out of thin air _ there 's an awful lot of paperwork that 's got to be gone through and an awful lot of people to see and an awful lot of red tape , really , to get through first — I mean just to make sure that the thing 's safe and complies with health and safety standards — and that 's something which you have to get across to young people and if they 're involved in the actual discussions on this and involved in the organisation , they begin to see the complexities and they 're less inclined , I think , to automatically assume that erm people are n't on their side and do n't want to listen .
2 For example , on the building that we 're talking about shifting , first of all we 've got to find a site for the thing , then we 've got to get planning permission , then we 've got to get the actual permission of the owner of the land , then we 've got to make sure that erm electricity 's laid on , that there 's erm water laid on , that there 's some sort of toilet or other facilities and so on , and when you add all that lot up , it 's quite a complicated sort of series of bureaucratic procedures you 've got to go through , and it 's not a question of , you know , of people saying to us , ‘ Well , as councillors , well , do this for us , ’ and we can magic it out in six months out of thin air .
3 After the heights scaled in that quarter-final , Ireland plunged to six feet under in this match proving , in the course of the game , that the only predictable thing about them is their unpredictability .
4 I 'm sure it 's twenty six weeks off on full pay and then you go on
5 Swindon who are fighting against relegation for the second year running were six points down at one stage … they fought back …
6 ‘ Honest to God , I put three fingers up on one hand and one finger on the other , smiled at him and then sat down , ’ said Redknapp .
7 In the non-Midlands games there was a breathtaking finish at Vicarage Road where Bruce Rioch 's team were three goals up at one stage .
8 Brock , transfer-listed by Kevin Keegan , returns after three weeks out with back trouble .
9 So like one week , I 'll take three days out of that week , and Jane only has two .
10 You can get two or three bugs in at one time if you 're lucky .
11 There were three strikers on after half time ( and none of them scored ! )
12 Major thematic exhibition 1750–1880 moves on to National Gallery , Washington
13 Finally I reached Maymyo , to find my family camping out in a very small house , all three children down with scarlet fever .
14 As I said , at half time , you could n't believe Oxford United were n't going to get three points out of this game , but they did n't , and now they have to fight on .
15 Zimbabwean James Loughnane was a further three shots back in fourth place .
16 Pipe outlines of sixteen lifebelts on to non-stick paper — inner and outer circles , with a hole about 2·5cm ( 1inch ) in diameter .
17 NT wo n't support SMP until version 2 , still some 18 months out in any case , and Microsoft has n't yet decided what it 'll do for that stuff yet .
18 if , if all I was talking about was twenty thousand pounds out of next year , I E six months , erm an investigator , a member of investigative staff , very roughly , costs us forty thousand a year in salary and office costs .
19 Whenever you ask a question of clarification or ask for information nine times out of ten clarification or information is forthcoming .
20 INJURIES at work led to 750,000 days off in one year , a report revealed yesterday .
21 Women on average spend only five years out of paid work when they are having children , although there are wide variations in this .
22 this bloke and his bird , right , and then ahead would n't like it clears up a bit in , in the Blackwall tunnel but it 's still like sort of five yards in between each car and he 's just like moving from lane to lane without signalling or anything
23 On paper , there is almost nothing worth mentioning — just a series of slow , equally spaced string chords , which nine conductors out of ten treat with something approaching disdain .
24 He went on to obtain plates centred on about 1300 selected areas scattered uniformly over 75 per cent of the whole sky , on which he was able to recognise some 44000 galaxies down to apparent magnitude about 20 .
25 The hard course meant there were big gaps between the riders and Nial Quinlan ( South Dublin Mountainbike Club ) was another four minutes back in third place .
26 Okay so try if you can can do you think you can do that , you can try to take those four reactions out of one group and see how related they are ?
27 Eighteen months on from that flotation , Olsen has ordered five one-milliontonne tankers from the Belfast yard , which provides a much needed baseload of work .
28 And in fact what marks the two genres off from each other is not so much the nature of the devices , but the nature of the opposition which constructs them as literature .
29 But in our time , it 's very quiet now so we 've we 've moved into a different routine again , where I have two two sergeants out at one time , changing over er frequently so they do n't get bored .
30 I 've put two hooks in on that side and there 's that one across there .
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