Example sentences of "[num] [noun pl] [be] [verb] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A total of eight calls were made that day and although a routine became evident , it was never repetitive .
2 Only 124,342 cars were sold last month — the lowest February figure since 1982 says the SMMT .
3 Between 1961 and 1976 an average of about 12 birds was recorded each year , and monthly totals were :
4 In England , Scotland and Wales , more than 800 dogs are awaiting similar courtroom battles in Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals shelters .
5 A BAN on classes with more than 30 children was demanded last night by the Tories ' favourite teachers ' union .
6 And altogether , thirteen prisoners-of-war were recaptured that day .
7 On the twelfth day of Christmas my true love sent to me twelve drummers drumming eleven pipers piping ten lords a leaping nine ladies dancing eight maids a milking seven swans a swimming six geese are laying five gold rings four calling birds three french hens two turtle dove and a partridge in a pear tree .
8 For example , there is the hard-boiled egg diet where four to six eggs are eaten each day .
9 Their intentions are a far cry from those of Digital Equipment Corp , which is also trying to position its competing Alpha chip as a mainstream merchant part but whose internal documents are said to project a total of only around 200,000 to 300,000 Alphas being made next year .
10 Twenty two trainers and other industry representatives have offered support and convoys of five to 10 vehicles are to follow next month .
11 When the dog warden scheme began six years ago up to 100 puppies were abandoned each year .
12 All three steps are causing ministerial head scratching .
13 The impact of molecular biology will eventually revolutionise our whole way of thinking about cancer and is management , but for the time being three areas are receiving particular attention :
14 Local councils in a dozen areas were granted High Court injunctions to prevent Sunday trading , but a handful of national store chains opened on the two Sundays before Christmas .
15 A couple who ran a social club for three years are taking legal action after being given just two hours ' notice to leave their jobs and home .
16 Details of their biggest UK tour in three years are expected next week .
17 An entrance scholarship of £200 per annum tenable for three years is awarded each year on the basis of a selection examination ; the Mackey Entrance Scholarship for pianists is open for award every third or fourth year at the value of £200 per annum for three years , as is the James Smart Entrance Scholarship for organists .
18 For example , three Trolls are fighting five Empire knights .
19 Three pounds is goes all weekend .
20 Three centres are providing full-time Certificate programmes for the unemployed with substantial work experience in the industry , who have the opportunity to gain a supervisory qualification .
21 Well the servants three servants are given one talent and their master tells them to erm do with it what they could in a certain space of time and he would reward them .
22 Three women were to achieve national renown in this decade , two of them as sculptors , and one as Christmas-card Laureate .
23 Nearly 20,000 small cetaceans are killed annually just for sport and in the tuna industry in the Eastern Pacific around 130,000 dolphins are killed each year , the helpless victims of fish nets .
24 Eight accomplices were given lesser prison sentences as were eight others who were condemned in absentia .
25 Sales continued to rise , its price being held down so that by 1953 , fifty thousand copies were sold each month .
26 ‘ Several thousand cases are sold each year , ’ says an Invergordon spokesman , ‘ but most of the sales are in Britain .
27 Only 18 cases were reported last year , yet the disease is caused by a bacteria present on one in three people .
28 In the Foest of Dean alone , an estimated 5,000 squirrels are poisoned each summer and another 800 are shot .
29 Equipment worth forty thousand pounds was stolen last year and car theft is once again a major problem .
30 THE Northamptonshire nuns who are trying to save 5,000 chickens are to take legal action against the Ministry of Agriculture 's decision to slaughter their flock .
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