Example sentences of "[num] [noun pl] [adv] [verb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The Scottish League , meanwhile , could soon consist of four divisions of ten clubs after a meeting of the top 12 clubs yesterday supported the principle of increasing the League 's membership from 38 to 40 teams .
2 ‘ To meet the case where an owner-occupier puts his house up for sale and moves into a new house but can not at once find a buyer for his old house , the 1965 Finance Act provides for exemption or relief from capital gains tax even though the owner did not actually live in the house for a period of up to 12 months immediately preceding the date of sale .
3 But 12,371 competitors and 5,935 officials from 142 countries have registered , leaving another 30 countries still to announce the size of their teams .
4 In the meanwhile , the British system devised by Lord Waverley forty years ago to retain the works of art most essential to Britian 's artistic and historical heritage will be a largely pointless administrative hoop-la as works of art are declared to be national patrimony by the committees of experts , and then are exported anyway for lack of funds .
5 Bob acquired the Blackburn-built Swordfish in September 1970 and has spent the last 22 years painstakingly rebuilding the aircraft .
6 To determine if the effect of TTX was specific to oligodendrocyte precursor cells , we injected TTX into one eye of P7 rats and 2 days later injected the rats with the thymidine analogue bromodeoxyuridine ( BrdU ) to label cells synthesizing DNA .
7 Seven out of the forty women specifically mention the pleasure they obtain from seeing a line full of clean clothes ; some explain it is because they anticipate the silent admiration of neighbours at this visible ( though shortlived ) achievement .
8 He broke clear from the 22-metre line five minutes into the second half and 10 minutes later repeated the effort .
9 Cook gently for a further 10 minutes then break the fish into bite-size pieces .
10 Simmer the onion , garlic , celery leaves and tomatoes in the fish stock for 10 minutes then add the swordfish .
11 These announcements were accompanied with the news that the Sovereign and Sterling +2 products now enjoy the privilege of being listed under the IT Recommended Product Scheme run by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales .
12 According to the Association of Metropolitan Authorities there was a massive 37.5 per cent increase in rent arrears in the six months immediately following the benefit changes in April 1988.37 Other benefit changes may have contributed to this increase in arrears : the change from supplementary benefit to income support ; the insistence that everyone should be required to pay at least 20 per cent of their rates ( community charge ) and all of their water rates ; and the replacement of urgent needs payments by social fund loans .
13 Bankruptcy proceedings must be commenced in the High Court ( in London ) if : ( i ) the petition is presented by a Government department , and either in the statutory demand an indication to petition in the High Court is stated or the petition is based upon an unsatisfied execution ; or ( ii ) the debtor by or against whom the petition is presented has resided or carried on business within the London insolvency district for the greater part of the six months immediately preceding the presentation of the petition or for a longer period during those six months than in any other insolvency district ; or ( iii ) the debtor is not resident in England and Wales ; or ( iv ) the petitioning creditor is unable to ascertain the residence of the debtor ( tr 6.9(1) and 6.40 ) .
14 In any other case , bankruptcy proceedings must be begun in the county court for the insolvency district in which the debtor has resided or carried on business for the longest period during the six months immediately preceding the presentation of the bankruptcy petition ( r 6.9(2) ) .
15 ‘ The 341 companies from the 184 Conservative constituencies will not have to travel far to voice their anger the Government took no action six months ago to avoid the crisis they were warned would happen .
16 Funding is coming from Northern Arts , Durham County Council and Wear Valley District Council which has six schools also trying the artist in residence scheme .
17 Around the world today , more than 100 countries still retain the death penalty , and two out of every three human beings live under governments that use torture and other cruel , inhuman and degrading treatment against them .
18 An increasing number of people flocked to visit Opo , with 1500 visitors sometimes crowding the beach .
19 ‘ It 's very important for preparers of accounts to have a voice , and only the top 100 companies really have the resources to cope with the amount of time and effort that takes .
20 On 17 July 1559 , the answer was a scolding letter from her husband the king of France to lord James , marvelling that he , who ‘ has the honour to be so near the Queen 's Grace , my wife … should be so forgetful as to make yourself the head … of the tumults and seditions ’ ; only six days later did the queen get round to sending a similarly plaintive message herself .
21 However , the Committee were unable to progress beyond the ninth paragraph at that meeting , and another meeting was held six days later to complete the report .
22 In supporting the anti-crisis programme , the pact between the 10 Presidents nevertheless instructed the government to revise downwards some of the drastic retail price rises which it had introduced on April 2 .
23 Six shots just to frighten the crew of The Sandhopper ?
24 Chaired by Michael Julien , it meets not less than three times annually to review the adequacy of the Group 's systems of internal control including those concerning the Group 's pension arrangements , the scope and findings of the external and internal auditors ' work , the half and full year financial statements prior to their submission to the Board , and the application of the Group 's accounting policies and any changes to financial reporting requirements .
25 Like Graham and Sabrina he too had been left a holdall , containing a Geiger-Muller counter and his favourite handgun , a Browning Mk2 , in a locker at the main railway station where he had spent three hours studiously checking the invoices for all the freight loaded at the goods yard over the past ten days .
26 The Anands appealed , but in May 1982 three judges unanimously upheld the sentence .
27 These three ingredients collectively formed the background in which natural hazards research crystallized , although as noted earlier the origins clearly arose in North America and particularly derived from the work of Gilbert White at the University of Chicago , later at the University of Colorado , and leader of the Commission on Man and Environment ( 1968- ) of the International Geographical Union .
28 Of all Edward 's legislation , three pieces particularly affected the church : the statutes De Viris Religiosis , or Mortmain as it is commonly called , Circumspecte Agatis , and Westminster II , chapter 41 .
29 Documents which disclose Britain 's collusion have been found in UN , US and British archives by Dr Michael Palumbo , an American writer ( who three years ago discovered the UN files on Mr Kurt Waldheim , the Austrian President ) .
30 The Symposium was sponsored by P100M — a Dutch-based organisation set up three years ago to study the causes of violations of human rights — and the NVPP — the Dutch Association for Political Psychology .
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