Example sentences of "[num] [noun pl] [prep] [art] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 After going 2–0 up in 32 minutes through a goal by Lesley Hobley and a penalty by Denise Shorney , Hightown reduced the deficit a minute before the interval when Jackie Crook scored from the penalty spot .
2 Specialising in engineering design relating to existing offshore installations , the company 's manpower levels reached over 500 personnel on a number of design projects .
3 The Prime Minister , John Major , presented on July 22 a 50-page white paper which he called a " Citizen 's Charter " , incorporating some 70 proposals for the improvement of public services .
4 We 're eight hours into the journey with 20 to go , but small talk is wearing thin .
5 Their performance against Rangers was inexplicable and one can not believe that the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders , which lasted eight hours on the day before the match , with bickerings between cabals of directors over the club 's future , had no effect on the players .
6 Qualified engineering and software support staff should be available so that a suitable person can attend the OUP site , as necessary , within eight hours of a call for help .
7 A man has appeared in court accused of murder , forty eight hours after the discovery of a body beside a cycle track .
8 Forty eight hours after the killing of Norris , Morris decided to test the security at the Wankhede stadium .
9 Father 's occupation was assigned to one of eight groups on the basis of knowledge of the industries in the area and of previous reports of association between parental occupation and childhood cancer .
10 Thomas Law reported in 1896 that in one Lancashire town the local Council nominated nine men for election to eleven vacancies on the Board of Guardians and all nine were elected .
11 Lund is a village of some 120 houses on the Wolds between Beverley and Driffield .
12 27. 5. 92 Minutes of a meeting of the Juniper Green Village Association held in the Village Hall on Wednesday 27th May at 7.30 pm .
13 22. 6. 92 Minutes of a meeting of the Juniper Green Village Association held in the Village Hall on Monday , 22nd June , 1992 .
14 27. 8. 92 Minutes of a meeting of the Juniper Green Village Association held in the Village Hall on Wednesday 27th August at 7.30 p.m .
15 In one group , the stomachs were immediately excised , while in the other group the stomachs were perfused with saline for 180 minutes after the perfusion of ethanol , and unless stated , before they were processed for assessment of injury .
16 Total vitamin C concentrations were determined by a modification of our original technique after reduction of dehydroascorbic acid to ascorbic acid at 45°C for 120 minutes in the presence of excess dithiothreitol .
17 It may have changed hands as often as eight times in a period of twenty years .
18 In the normal subjects ( Fig 2A ) , the APGPR concentrations in urine increased after the test meal and again two peak mean values of APGPR immunoreactivity were seen in the first and second hours at 45 and 75 minutes after the start of the meal corresponding in time with the peaks of serum APGPR found in the normal subjects .
19 Urinary APGPR excretion ( Fig 3A ) in the normal group increased to a peak mean value at 82.5 minutes after the start of the meal and was significantly increased at 7.5 , 67.5 , and 82.5 minutes compared with the fasted values .
20 I doubt whether anyone can speak 500 syllables in a minute without dying .
21 Severus managed to get as far as the Montrose region and perhaps briefly beyond that : tantalizingly , in 1869 labourers on the Duke of Sutherland 's railway extension to Helmsdale and ultimately to Thurso in distant Caithness unearthed a collection of Roman bronze coins in a region never held and supposedly never reached by imperial forces .
22 After eight takes of a scene in which Sinatra had to eat cheesecake while Brando spoke , Sinatra finally lost his temper .
23 There 's another element which Your Lordships have not touched on to do with this land which is why er we are being very cautious about our plans for it and that is that er the union railways have indicated a requirement to lease two point eight acres of the land for site purposes from nineteen ninety seven to thousand and three er , but this will depend on the timetable for construction of the Channel Tunnel Link .
24 Three of these studies , from Cologne , Leeds , and Sheffield , have provided comparative data on large numbers of patients and their combined experience of 149 subjects over the age of 65 years ( the German patients were 70 and over ) is large enough to allow comparison with 475 younger patients from the same centres .
25 Port Arthur ( Lushun ) , at the tip of the Liaodong Peninsula , held out until early 1905 , after eight months of a siege into which the Japanese threw everything they had .
26 It is customarily assumed that the five years and eight months between the outbreak of war with Nazi Germany in September 1939 and the final collapse of that power in May 1945 was an epoch of ever-increasing radicalism , both for the British electorate and for the Labour Party itself .
27 Applications from Centres seeking HCIMA approval to offer programmes of study leading to the Association 's Professional Certificate and/or Professional Diploma , must be submitted to HCIMA at least eight months before the date on which it is proposed to start the programme .
28 A rechargeable battery protects the stored programme data for up to eight months in the event of the programmer being unplugged .
29 This potential danger became apparent with the emergence eight months after the beginning of the Uprising of a new group , the Islamic Resistance Movement , better known by its acronym , Hamas ( zeal ) .
30 An English City , for example , a caption could appear as Tom Hutchinson climbs the tower saying ‘ There are 275 steps in the tower of York Minster ’ .
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