Example sentences of "[num] [noun pl] [verb] the same [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In their last financial years , only 39 FT-SE 100 companies ' audit fees increased above the rate of inflation ; 25 companies ' audit fees were cut from 1990 to 1991 ; 30 companies paid the same amount ; and the fees of six increased at a level below the rate of inflation .
2 She named him Patrick and one of her 12 grandchildren bears the same name in memory .
3 Now each employee at British Steel needs only 4.8 hours to do the same job .
4 The satiety sensation was recorded after the meal and every hour for six hours using the same kind of visual analogue scale with ‘ empty stomach ’ =0 and ‘ full ’ =100 .
5 It is not advisable to indulge in elegant variation ; repetition of the same word a dozen times to convey the same meaning in the same paragraph is better than risking ambiguity .
6 The three Gospels cover the same course of the life and work of Jesus .
7 We would like to be able standardize the kit so all three teams wear the same colours .
8 Essentially , these three names mean the same thing — ‘ a piece of software ’ — and only differ in terms of size and complexity .
9 With three gearboxes making the same noise it seems to me a design fault , but is there a cure ?
10 All three polymerases exhibit the same hierarchy .
11 When the return match was fought six weeks later , more than 10,000 spectators watched the same result at Third Lanark football club 's ground .
12 Each of the ten records follows the same formula :
13 Yet the transmission of precious substances in the form of jewellery or other objects of display has at all times and most notably during the last five millennia served the same purpose the world over , that of signalling and enhancing status .
14 By insisting that the two groups have the same distribution of some extraneous variable(s) we may be introducing unreal constraints , e.g. smokers and non-smokers do not have the same age distribution in the population .
15 This may suggest that the re-working of the bracteates and their loops , both together and separately was common and emphasises that contemporaneity need not be demonstrated by two objects having the same metal composition .
16 So the two investments generate the same return if both PPP and the international Fisher effect hold , in which case exchange rate risk is unimportant .
17 Now four months have the same pattern .
18 The two pictures show the same flow at different instants , at which respectively an ‘ eruption ’ and an ‘ inrush ’ were occurring .
19 This occurs when two words have the same vowel sounds in conjunction with different consonantal sounds : A stitch in time saves nine .
20 It is sometimes easier to hear that two words have the same pattern .
21 They are also a reminder that although the 1474 agreement had forbidden the two nobles to retain the same men , this left open the possibility of other forms of shared allegiance .
22 They are also a reminder that although the 1474 agreement had forbidden the two nobles to retain the same men , this left open the possibility of other forms of shared allegiance .
23 In addition , Atkinson and Egeth ( 1973 ) found that responses were faster for the left visual field on a matching task in which subjects had to indicate whether or not two lines showed the same orientation .
24 ‘ No , that 's actually two guitars doing the same part , but very tight and panned left and right .
25 For this reason no two organisations have the same structure .
26 No two observers see the same sequence of behaviour in quite the same way .
27 This is therefore a ‘ symmetrical ’ series , of which there are various kinds — notably , mirror series ( as above ) , series made up of transpositions of three or four note-groups comprising the same interval successions , series made of retrogrades and inversions of a small note-cell , and symmetrical all-interval series which comprise all intervals within the octave .
28 The two versions use the same screen formats and keystroke commands , and access the same data files so that changing from the DOS to the Windows version requires no file conversion and no operator retraining .
29 ( 1.3 ) unc If two booleans guard the same process , they can be amalgamated .
30 She argued that if the second statement in a pair contained a negative then it would be more natural for the meaning of the two statements to be different , whereas if the two statements were both affirmative it would be more natural for the two statements to have the same meaning .
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