Example sentences of "[num] [prep] [pron] [noun pl] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Cantor 's need for such a definition had arisen around 1872 from his investigations concerning the possible uniqueness of representation of functions by trigonometric series .
2 He instructed his new ministers , however , to resign their faction memberships , and he ordered them to refrain from all stock market dealings , while also returning one-10th of their salaries to the Treasury , in an effort to regain the political prestige of the Cabinet .
3 At the May 22 press conference Interior Minister Abdullah Kallal said that almost 300 people — about 100 of them members of the armed forces — had been arrested over recent weeks in connection with a coup plot directed by Ghannouchi .
4 Although Gregory insisted that he was related to thirteen of his predecessors in the see , his family was most obviously connected with Burgundy and the Auvergne , and a local priest , Riculf , saw him as an outsider .
5 The USC had on April 18 repulsed an offensive by Siyad Barre 's Somali National Front ( SNF ) which brought it within 30 km of Mogadishu , and had then pursued Siyad Barre and 1,200 of his supporters to the Kenyan border .
6 Then there was the women 's clothes shop at Number 133 with its dresses in the window that I felt I would never be able to afford .
7 STORMS in north-east Romania killed three people and forced hundreds from their homes over the past three days , television reported last night .
8 On day three of his reports from the province , John Kane tells the wife 's tale .
9 On March 21st , a despatch from Falkenhayn admitted that Rupprecht had been right about the British not being able to take the offensive , and at the same time it ordered the withdrawal of three of his divisions for the general reserve .
10 Polhill and three of his colleagues at the Beirut University College had been kidnapped by the Islamic Jihad for the Liberation of Palestine ( IJLP ) in Beirut in January 1987 [ see p. 35024 ] .
11 The author wishes to acknowledge the help of three of his colleagues in the preparation of this paper , Mr J.Eadie , Dr P.Newbould and Dr T.J.Maxwell .
12 Willys was instantly denounced but many ardent Royalists , including three of his colleagues in the Knot , refused to accept his guilt .
13 three of my frets on the bottom string that you ca n't bend up , I do n't know what 's wrong .
14 In the year which ended with my twenty-first birthday , I had made twenty-nine parachute jumps , been arrested , spent a month on bail , been in hospital twice , stabbed in the face once , and spent over two thirds of my days with the Territorials .
15 ( The RCM annual report for 1940–1941 lists eighty of their girls with the ATS . )
16 Town Halls will take the extra £1 billion out of the £9 billion in their coffers from the sale of council houses .
17 Rose 's ma lived with five of her children on the ground floor of one of the tenement buildings about three-quarters of a mile from Vetch Street .
18 He will feel entirely at home with five of his club-mates in the power-packed Flintshire side .
19 Name five of our speakers in the 1990-91 programme .
20 CompuAdd Computer Corp , the Austin , Texas personal computer manufacturer and retailer , is taking the drastic step of closing all 110 of its stores at the cost of over 600 jobs .
21 Mackay fell back on Stirling , having lost three-quarters of his men on the battlefield or through desertion .
22 The company will initially be piloting NVQs at level 1 in twelve of its restaurants in the UK ; three in the South , three in the Midlands and six in the North .
23 As one of its responses to the International Statistical Year , the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development had commissioned a comparative study of national R and D efforts , based on an officially agreed definition of research and development activity ; the so-called ‘ Frascati definition ’ , named after one of a number of pleasant resorts favoured by the OECD for conferences .
24 Starting more was to be one of its responses to the April 1969 police raid .
25 HANDICAP air racing in the UK lost one of its stalwarts with the death of David Tennyson in September .
26 The long tin bath that usually hung by one of its handles on the wall of the pantry had been placed on the level paving stones at the bottom end of the back yard .
27 The Middlesbrough Cycling News recorded that the first ‘ Smoker Night ’ was to be held ‘ in honour of one of its achievements in the cycling events . ’
28 At one point , it even adopts the most severe , falsificationist version of traditional method , arguing that any one of its falsifications of the existing psychological theory of moral reasoning should lead that theory to be rejected .
29 Microsoft Corp has told Sequent Computer Systems Inc , one of its allies in the upcoming Windows NT blitzkrieg , that the server version of Windows NT will start shipping by the third week of June .
30 Microsoft Corp has told Sequent Computer Systems Inc , one of its allies in the upcoming Windows NT blitzkrieg , that the server version of Windows NT will start shipping by the third week of June .
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