Example sentences of "[num] [noun sg] [coord] at [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Tore-Andre is in fact the most hunted player in Norway just now — this fall he has played himself into our succesful U-21 team and at the moment eight out of twelve norw. ‘ premiership ’ clubs are offering him a contract …
2 A demonstration by Mauro Bonomi of C-Cube showed excellent quality real time video playing back at 200:1 compression and at a CD-ROM data transfer rate .
3 Turnover at the hotels fell 8 p.c. and at the restaurants it was down 1 p.c .
4 I told you yesterday , one plait and at the back , and tight .
5 Because at no metres there 's one post and at the end of a hundred metres you 've got two posts so you got one post more
6 Experimental evidence indicates that if the acoustic cues specifying these segments are varied along a continuum with at one end and at the other , the same ambiguous segment is much more likely to be interpreted as in the context of and as in the context of ( Ganong 1980 ) .
7 And then he did another one where at work he paid in a pound a week or two pound and at the end of the year , they kept the money like in the bank .
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