Example sentences of "[vb base] [been] [vb pp] for [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 like if you ever work in a children 's ward you can always tell the children that 've been hospitalised for a great length of time cos you can do anything with them
2 and they can put that on the recorder but I 've been told for the last two and a half years by this government that I am not unemployed .
3 The following CAA Safety Evenings have been arranged for the coming months :
4 Because these are so individually made , they 're rather like instruments which have been devised for a specific individual , and so to criticise them for details of design is hardly fair .
5 You and your wife have been separated for a continuous two-year period , and you both agree to the divorce .
6 Hundreds of parachutes have been prepared for the major drop over Salisbury Plain tonight and over the next few days .
7 Sumisho Electronics Corp is is to distribute the parallel database servers from Bracknell , Berkshire-based White Cross Systems Ltd in Japan : three orders worth £750,000 have been placed for the 9010 Deskside Server — two for customers , one for Sumisho 's own Tokyo office .
8 Seven orders have been received for the new jet which will have a 3,600-mile range .
9 More important , he set about gathering the Wordsworths into the Quantock fold , hastening a visit which must in any case have been intended for the near future .
10 There is a common expectation that mourners will visit the cemetery where the dead person 's body or ashes have been interred for a recognized period of time , attending to flowers at the grave and generally maintaining contact with the memory of the dead person .
11 ARRANGEMENTS have been finalised for a new Tyne , Tees , Wear Trophy for three six-dog events between Brough Park , Middlesbrough and Sunderland .
12 Since then several major houses have been secured for the National Trust in this way , notably Belton , Calke and Kedleston .
13 As my hon. Friend rightly said , the construction of the 08 , the fourth boat , is currently under way and authorities have been given for the long lead items .
14 Many explanations have been given for the careful measurements and statistical information so frequent in Wordsworth 's early poetry , for example : but surely even this may ultimately go back to a desire to placate the scientific and Lockean tradition .
15 Several reasons have been given for the rapid growth of the professions .
16 Most of the figures that have been given for the projected growth of the presentation graphics market in this country , and Europe as a whole , seem to be based on the assumption that there will be a significant change towards the use of 35mm slides .
17 Using the fluid inclusions trapped in quartz , one of the most common minerals associated with metalliferous ores , precision rubidium-strontium isochrons have been obtained for the actual ore fluids .
18 Birth records have been obtained for the 42 children with cancer diagnosed up to the age of 4 years throughout Cumbria during 1984–90 in order to investigate the possibility that some of these children had been born in Seascale and then moved , but in fact only the child resident in Seascale at diagnosis was also domiciled there at birth .
19 ‘ We have been threatened for the past three or four years .
20 Runners and riders have been selected for the new Permanent Secretarial jobs and buildings earmarked to house them , their masters and the unsung legions of civil servants doing new jobs almost overnight .
21 SEVENTEEN-YEAR-OLD James Spreng , captain of Stewart's-Melville XI , and his brother , Gerald ( 15 ) , who plays in the same side , have been selected for the Under-18 and Under-16 Scotland squads respectively for the home schools ' internationals in Cork at the end of next month .
22 The degree to which opportunities for either vertical or horizontal career mobility have been developed for the paraprofessional social service worker is highly variable among the countries we studied and between geographic areas within these countries .
23 Since we carried out these studies , much more sophisticated computational programs have been developed for the social sciences .
24 The good news is that plans have been made for a third building .
25 Mickey Spielberg , Disney 's chief imagineer , told me that some adjustments have been made for the European park , especially in the type of catering provided .
26 It is necessary to stress this rather negative fact mainly because of excessive claims that have been made for the new ideas .
27 Looking to the future , preparations have been made for the International TV Week which will be held in Bolzano , Italy from 17–23 May 1992 .
28 Two brick arches put up to channel the waters of an underground river have been uncovered for the first time in nearly two hundred years .
29 However , this approach towards electronics is not without its critics ( Moore and Booth , 1986 ) : few jobs have been created for the long-term unemployed ; a relatively small proportion of posts are for managerial and technical positions ; and the indigenous sector remains small , as do total exports and research and development capacities .
30 Of course , the letters ( which have been created for the British Institute of Management ) have been generalized , but you can tweak and customize them to suit your needs .
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