Example sentences of "[vb base] [not/n't] [vb pp] [pron] for [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 I 've not seen her for ages . ’
2 I 've not had one for ages .
3 I have not seen her for days . ’
4 Stories abound of partnerships that have not paid themselves for months .
5 ‘ You know I have n't written anything for months , darling .
6 But if you try and go back to it , when you have n't done it for years , you realize how complicated it was .
7 I have n't seen her for ages . ’
8 Have n't seen her for ages . ’
9 ‘ I do n't mind waiting , ’ she told him politely and pleasantly , though she could n't resist adding , ‘ Rosemary and I are friends ; I have n't seen her for ages , so I thought I 'd ring up for a chat . ’
10 I have n't seen her for ages
11 I have n't seen her for months have I .
12 Celia promised to let me know , but I have n't seen her for weeks . ’
13 and of course , well she was er I have n't seen her for years and years
14 So we thought , go see these friends , have n't seen them for ages , we 'll take it with us , and they did n't open it , and we were really upset , because we , it was a present
15 I have n't seen them for years .
16 ‘ I have n't seen him for ages .
17 I have n't seen him for ages .
18 I have n't seen him for months . ’
19 Instead of having Matt to myself , when I have n't seen him for months and months , I have to share him with this wretched woman who ca n't get her act together !
20 Have n't seen him for months . ’
21 Have n't seen him for years . ’
22 Have n't seen him for years , ’ said Coffin regretfully .
23 We have n't seen him for years the bloody queer .
24 ‘ Jay , ’ she said , with what sounded like pleasure , ‘ I have n't seen you for ages .
25 Have n't seen you for ages ! ’
26 // I have n't seen you for ages //
27 Oh here 's another dog I think oh it 's Judy 's , not it 's not hello , have n't seen you for a long time , hello , have n't seen her for a long time , morning , good morning oh she 's a sweetie is n't she ? forgotten her name come and say hello , I have n't seen you for ages , so him once on the , good morning .
28 Oh hello , I have n't seen you for ages !
29 Wonder how much oh mush How are you lately , have n't seen you for ages , give us a ring still out buying the old place I married her , yeah .
30 I 'm only saying that but yes , I I I take your point , er , as I say , I 'm currently er a neighbourhood beat officer , I 'm gon na become the crime prevention officer very shortly but I can go on estates like and they say , I have n't seen you for ages !
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