Example sentences of "[vb base] [not/n't] [vb infin] [pers pn] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 You do not tell me the depth of your pond , but shallow ponds ( if yours is indeed shallow ) are much more prone to algal infestation because they warm up so much more quickly and have such a large surface area in relation to volume .
2 We do not tell you the location of these areas , nor do we tell you which pennant is in which combat zone .
3 If the big parties do not like it the remedy is in their own hands : all they have to do is to steal that third party 's votes .
4 He do n't give me the position .
5 Young girls will steal make-up if their parents do n't give them the money for it … ‘
6 ‘ It 's no use investing a great deal in youngsters like Robinson if we do n't give them the chance to prove themselves .
7 Indigenous British women affected by post-natal depression are often single mothers or those whose husbands or boyfriends do n't give them the care and affection or help they need in this new stage of their life .
8 Do n't give her the satisfaction of knowing you 're watching . ’
9 ‘ Tell me , my young friend , ’ he went on , ‘ those orders you have to shoot me — if I do n't give you the money you want — who gave you such orders ? ’
10 Using positive phrases , such as ‘ I really like … , ’ rather than negative lines like ‘ you do n't do it the way that I like … , ’ will improve your chance of having a productive dialogue .
11 Do n't tell me the work wo n't be piling up . ’
12 No it ai n't do n't tell me the answer
13 Do n't tell me the doctor does n't have sherry and stuff regularly on tap in the house . ’
14 When she wakes , do n't tell her the letter has come .
15 Do n't tell you the size of the bathroom .
16 ‘ History books do n't tell it the way it was , ’ she murmured .
17 As a simple product of British schools I am amazed that the following rather obvious point has not been grasped in America or Botswana : if you put a school address or your age , they do n't send you the booze .
18 probably had n't paid that much , so these peo the ones that lent the money out , in really they er , and they really have suffered just , they probably thought that if we do n't lend them the money somebody else will and get the interest and they 'll grow bigger and much overtake us , you know , to , to take over our business , so er , so the
19 Well I do n't know it the way you two do the work it looks so fine that I did n't think I could see it properly .
20 ‘ And if you do n't like me the way I am now , then that 's very easily remedied .
21 We do n't like it the way it is .
22 do n't worry I the exam , I 'm leaving at Christmas time .
23 ‘ I do n't deny him the right to use whatever symbols he wants as an artist , but as a friend I was disappointed that he knew how inflammatory that would be to a Madness audience .
24 ‘ Aye well , miss , if I do n't see her the night on the quiet , I 'll only come to the shop the morrow , an' I 'll put it plainly to her da . ’
25 They do n't call him The Butcher for nothing ! "
26 I do n't call it the gang hut any more .
27 Do n't call it the thing .
28 ‘ They do n't call you The Charmer for nothing , Adam .
29 Wendy Cope is about as far from the old-boy generation as David Wright feels from his first meeting with George Barker , but she knows what they 're like : Do n't ask him the time of day .
30 ‘ But you see , if I do n't ask you the name on the cheque , it 's because I know it already … ’
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