Example sentences of "[vb base] [to-vb] back [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Unless we want to go back to the Stone Age , zero pollution is not practical . ’
2 After the elections I want to go back to the Institute of Forecasting .
3 And to understand that change I want to go back to the beginning and just to trace what has happened to the Chinese Communist Party since it was formed in nineteen twenty one when it had a mere I hope everybody can see that , it 's not very large today and I do n't think I can any better than that In nineteen twenty one when it was first founded , it had a mere fifty seven members and it did n't grow very much for a number of years .
4 ‘ I think I want to go back to the house for a while , ’ she said at last in a careful tone .
5 Bullingdon 's governor says there 's no way every aspect of behaviour can be controlled because there 'll always be those who want to hit back at the system .
6 ‘ Thanks anyway but I want to get back to the hotel and soak my shoulder in a hot bath .
7 They are saying they want to get back to the point where their hard work brought frequent , real , deep satisfaction .
8 I love rap but in the future I want to get back to the funk .
9 I want to get back to the farm .
10 Stich said later : ‘ I want to get back to the world top 10 — that 's my goal . ’
11 Unless there are any snags , I want to get back to the workshop .
12 ‘ I want to get back to the office . ’
13 I want to step back into the line .
14 We have got consultants looking at that and by September of this year we hope to report back to the council . ’
15 Many of these have since been taken on by the wider society and are to be found in all its corners influencing even those who would now deny them any real significance and tend to look back on the decade as only times of silliness and self-indulgence .
16 oh yeah they usually manage to come back in the end
17 ‘ I 've been round the instrument circuit from A to Z , Alembic to Zon , and I always seem to come back to the P-bass , always .
18 If you like to look back at the cathedral office in an hour , I 'll see it 's ready for you .
19 ‘ Is it not the time when all those who have an interest in our industry should sit down and discuss our future together and try to get back to the situation where the industry controls and governs itself instead of allowing it to be manipulated by those who purchase our product ? ’ he asked about 200 delegates .
20 Norwich 's record signing Darren Beckford has recovered from injury and is set to make his first senior appearance of the season as the Canaries bid to move back to the top of the table .
21 However , during training , decisions such as when to leave the lift and start to get back to the field are too often taken by the instructor .
22 You 're preparing me to go out into the street , but I still have to go back to the system first .
23 Maybe I have to go back to the theatre .
24 To begin to appreciate how it drives him , you have to go back to the beginning of his story .
25 We have to go back to the city . ’
26 What happened was , I 'd go home , go to MacDonalds , and have to go back to the office .
27 There are no real limits , other than disk storage , to the number of sizes and styles you could produce using Fontware but it can be very frustrating to find that the size you want is n't there and have to go back to the font compiler to produce it .
28 I have to go back to the dentist next week but er erm er , in fact , it 's not this coming it 's the week after , it 's a week on Monday I have to go , that 's right .
29 I 'm saying is , is you ought to get very close to that geographical map because it 's the logistic logistics er difficulty with getting , and you ought to know where there are mountains and where there are valleys and the fact that that , in South Wales they ca n't just go across country , they have to go back down the valley after the M four and up again .
30 It 's a frightening thought that you come to Grendon to sort yourself out , then you have to go back into the system .
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