Example sentences of "[vb base] [to-vb] about the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Existing tagsets tend to agree about the major word class categorisations but there are often differences in the sub-categorisations used .
2 I want to know about the nearest sports centre and the types of sport which go on there .
3 But as you may discover at the end of your course you 'll have a questionnaire to say how found it , how it 's gone on and of course in the past people have filled in questionnaires saying what they want to know about the legal aspect is all about wills .
4 They want to know about the latest inventions .
5 ‘ And you want to know about the old man 's will ? ’
6 If you want to know about the main issues of economic reform in Russia , this is the book to read .
7 You want to talk about the English novel ?
8 I do n't know whether you want to talk about the whole area of our operation
9 ‘ Because everyone who comes along to interview me has , as you have Paul , read all the clippings , then they all want to talk about the same things , and I become this kind of caricature .
10 That is the only nice thing that I propose to say about the hon. Gentleman .
11 I mean , for me personally I think there 's actually a decision that if I ca n't get over the full unbiased impression that I want to make about the whole story , I 've got to make a decision whether I 'm going to talk to you at all .
12 And I especially seem to care about the sick ones .
13 Few academic historians seem to care about the literary elegance that sustains the essay form .
14 There are a number of different conflict perspectives and their supporters tend to disagree about the precise nature , causes and extent of conflict .
15 It is not necessary to purge the political and academic language which we use to think about the inner city , only to be aware of its contingent value .
16 The kitchen table was covered with homework , dictionaries , ring notebooks and ‘ All you Need to Know about the Russian Revolution ’ pulled out of the huge pieces of luggage Henrietta took every day to school , books used to erect tottering towers wherever the family was next about to eat .
17 WITH each picture there 's everything you need to know about the mighty men .
18 Librarians need to know about the main reviewing agencies in their field : their frequency and coverage , the authority and quality of their reviews , the time lags in appearance .
19 The absence of mandatory liability detracts from the merchantability of the English sea waybill because consignors as well as consignees have to worry about the legal effect of small print and extremely broad disclaimers .
20 Accordingly , the purpose of this book is to examine what the Scriptures , particularly in the fuller light afforded by the New Testament , have to teach about the Holy Spirit , and to relate their message to our own situation .
21 Patients and carers therefore need to learn about the possible side-effects of corticosteroids , and should be strongly encouraged to report any unusual or different signs or symptoms .
22 Your weekly shopping list will probably change ; you need to think about the best ways to do this for you .
23 Programmers do not need to worry about the fact that their applications may be running in parallel , Hinsley says , they merely need to think about the appropriate size of object and Taos will do the rest .
24 Programmers do not need to worry about the fact that their applications may be running in parallel , Hinsley says , they merely need to think about the appropriate size of object and Taos will do the rest .
25 We need to think about the differing incentives for managers in the public and private sectors .
26 But this idea of God as an object up above the world ( or up above the universe ) is firmly ruled out by all that these religions have to say about the divine nature .
27 Unlike the damaged narcissists , with their compensations of spurious glory or morbidly melodramatized misery , the new pop workers want attention not for themselves , not for their make-believe world , but for what they have to say about the outside world .
28 You have to sermonize about the good times .
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