Example sentences of "[vb base] [to-vb] [prep] [adj] [noun] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 ( The Japanese , who once provoked riots , tend to invest in higher-tech operations and are seen as relatively generous . )
2 As we noted , nominal predicates tend to agree with actual number and person , finite verbs with the morphological person and number encoded in the polite form of the pronoun , with language-specific decisions on predicates of intermediate kind .
3 However , since management courses tend to concentrate on basic tasks and procedures , there is a risk that the much larger matters signalled here will be treated rudimentarily at best .
4 Stories told about Burton at this time are necessarily retrospective and tend to suffer from retrospective grandeur and glamour .
5 So this letter which refers to our processes in this county council , it 's talking about people who want to go into residential care and to use public money .
6 There are many clinical features in common among these treponematoses and some of them appear to go through similar stages and periods of latency .
7 ‘ We have to get back to a position where investors want to invest in unquoted companies and believe they 're still getting a good return , but I do n't think that will be the 30% they might have been promised . ’
8 ask your Social Secretary office for form AG 5 ( and form AG 1 if you want to claim on low-income grounds and you do not hold a current AG 2 or AG 3 certificate ) , fill them both in and send them where the form tells you .
9 Now we 're on the talent trail again in the build-up to the grand final in September at Liverpool 's Kiss nightclub , and we want to hear from any pub or club that wants to hold an Echo Karaoke Night .
10 Now we 're on the talent trail again in the build-up to the grand final in September at Liverpool 's Kiss nightclub , and we want to hear from any pub or club that wants to hold an Echo Karaoke Night .
11 ‘ I want to put in some shells and seaweed first . ’
12 Well I I I would n't er pin point the German attitude on this one , I mean after all we did collaborate with Germany very successfully on the tornado which has a nuclear role but the the four governments must first of all decide if that is what we want to build into this aeroplane and they decided that they did not at that stage .
13 Many obstacles appear to stem from central-local relations and conflict between the public and private sector .
14 If they are , will they honour their own commitment by recognising that the overwhelming majority of parents want to stay with local authorities and that therefore local authorities should be given all the backing and support possible by the Government to make a success of their role in the future .
15 It is permanently divisive , as well as educationally mean and unadventurous , to establish deliberately a kind of school within which the curriculum is so inward-looking that those who followed it could not , for example , hope to proceed to higher education or ultimately into one of the professions .
16 Her solutions to the most common pest and disease problems are ICI Benlate for mildew , grease bands for the leaf-eating loopers ( winter moth caterpillars ) , tar oil winter wash to deal with woolly aphids and pbi Malathion Greenfly Killer for other aphids .
17 We stop to chat about national affairs or the state of the Common , hardly ever about what was on the box last night .
18 In other ways the activities of the councils tend to conflict with regional policy and weaken its effects .
19 So metropolitan councils , and here 's where the confusions begin to creep in metropolitan councils and some non-metropolitan councils , I E district councils so they 're in a separate ca separate category with this electoral sequence .
20 If you 've actually be wangling system on your way up , which is what most of us seem to do at one time or another .
21 The rocks beneath the castle , on account of the form they seem to have in high seas and foam , are called Macleod 's Maidens .
22 Their fossil remains seem to occur with other animals and plants , which are generally accepted as terrestrial .
23 Where insects are preserved they seem to occur in large numbers and in variety , so that a few famous localities have yielded a disproportionate number of the fossil species .
24 All stand to gain from such legislation and comparative employment law can be used to empower disabled people .
25 Because it also happens , it happens to be the case that in local elections people tend to vote on national issues or perceptions .
26 An average 66% opt to continue into Further Education and do n't worry about a job .
27 draw on examples from across the curriculum , and in particular those existing requirements for mathematics and science which refer to use of spoken language and vocabulary , asking questions , working in groups , explaining and presenting ideas , giving and understanding instructions ;
28 So there was always that tendency in our members minds you know to refer to various districts and er earlier in my submissions I did say that there was a disparity in earnings , especially between the Scotland and England er to , to something like seven percent if not even more than that in certain undertakings .
29 Generally speaking the businesses that obtained government-guaranteed loan funds have produced problems : They require greater monitoring and supervising than the banks normally like to devote to small businesses and , as the type of support is very often a last resource , they must be considered more risky than the norm .
30 Even when people do go for walks , they tend to keep to public paths and these are often also severely eroded ( Coleman , 1981 ) .
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