Example sentences of "[vb base] [to-vb] [conj] [art] [noun] [modal v] " in BNC.

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1 Subsequently , however , they appear to suggest that the police would be unlikely to pursue such a complaint unless there was evidence of injury .
2 So putting them in balance , I still want to hope that the light will overcome the darkness . "
3 We hope to ensure that every candidate will have given some consideration to the issues which affect older people .
4 Under s95(4) a police constable can be authorised to take charge of the child and bring him to court and to enter and search any named premises if he has reasonable cause to believe that the child may be found there ( s95(4) ) .
5 Indeed in some cases in which there is a persistent failure to comply and no apparent harm to the watercourse , agency staff tend to assume that the standards may be too tight , as a senior official suggested :
6 I begin to believe that the House will clap itself to death one day .
7 The forward movement of the boat eventually turns the flies ; and it is generally just as the flies begin to turn that a fish will take .
8 For all your alleged love for the poor and the oppressed , you seem to think that the public ought to be selfish when it votes .
9 That is what would happen if the matter were put to the House , but the Opposition seem to think that the matter could be resolved overnight .
10 Pray , pray and continue to pray that the missionaries might be filled continually with the Spirit ( Acts 4 : 31–33 ) .
11 The patent contains eight pages of mathematical formulae which purport to prove that a microphone will have much better directional characteristics if the holes are spaced at irregular or non-linear intervals .
12 Owner 's tip : Try to remember that every dog must have its day .
13 Leave the receiver on the ground in a working position as close as possible to the area where you now intend to dig and the receiver will continue to function .
14 But you need to remember that the menu should not be too large ( some essays become very front-heavy with preliminaries ) ; and you should ensure that items you have placed on the menu are actually served up to the reader later .
15 See what we have to do cos the meat wo n't take long will it ?
16 If the task is certain , there is less need to share and a group will suffice .
17 They need to realise that a photograph can be just as carefully " composed " as any painting .
18 There are times when we need to appreciate that a requirement may be filled by two things in which one partner has one set of talents and the other partner another set .
19 ‘ We have to sentence and the sentence must be a meaningful one , but above all we have to have the long-term support of parents for the biggest range of offenders are appallingly young .
20 ‘ We have to sentence and the sentence must be a meaningful one , but above all we have to have the long-term support of parents for the biggest range of offenders are appallingly young .
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