Example sentences of "[vb base] [not/n't] [verb] you for [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ But I do n't want you for a stonechipper !
2 ‘ I do n't believe you for a moment ; even if I did , you 're my only lead and I 'm not going to let you out of my sight until I catch up with Garry .
3 As you know erm we , we take the money here we do n't charge you for the talk but we give ten percent back to your W I so it 's a self funding situation .
4 Have n't seen you for a while . ’
5 Have n't seen you for a while , Mac , ’ she said , tight-lipped as she dropped the cheese rolls into a brown paper bag .
6 Have n't seen you for a long time have you ?
7 Oh here 's another dog I think oh it 's Judy 's , not it 's not hello , have n't seen you for a long time , hello , have n't seen her for a long time , morning , good morning oh she 's a sweetie is n't she ? forgotten her name come and say hello , I have n't seen you for ages , so him once on the , good morning .
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