Example sentences of "[vb base] [not/n't] [verb] he at [adj] " in BNC.

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1 They turned him down on ‘ security grounds ’ ; a lot of the Surinamese living in Holland make it plain that they do not like him at all .
2 I do n't blame him at all
3 It took a few bumps on the head for him to get used to the low ceiling and the prominent oak beams , but now they do n't bother him at all .
4 Daft as it may seem after three years of knowing Jim Bob , I still do n't know him at all .
5 ‘ I do n't know him at all , really , ’ said Charlotte .
6 I do n't know him at all , I 've never met him .
7 I do n't like him at all , and if he was going to be the next Frank Lloyd Wright , I could n't care less , and it would n't change my opinion of him as a man , which is that he 's — ’
8 I do n't like him at all .
9 Do you mean you do n't see him at all ? ’
10 therefore i do nt like him at all
11 ‘ You have n't seen him at all ? ’
12 And during the last four years you have n't seen him at all , while I 've spent nine or ten hours a day with him , sometimes even more if we 're particularly busy .
13 Cos I , I have n't seen him at all .
14 If I think about it I have n't seen him at all .
15 I have n't seen him at all .
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