Example sentences of "[vb base] [not/n't] [verb] [prep] [pers pn] at " in BNC.

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1 But mostly I try not to think about him at all .
2 One is that he is rather clean and tidy and polite and fastidious as a person ; the sweatier , wilder , rawer , dirtier areas of human sexuality do not appeal to him at all .
3 Then when it " just happens " , spontaneously and romantically , they and their girlfriends hope they do n't get pregnant , or they do n't think about it at all .
4 ‘ Now I simply do n't think of you at all . ’
5 And we especially do n't talk about it at the workplace . ’
6 ‘ Oh — but she do n't care for him at all .
7 Teenage magazines often have stories about girls who fall in love with handsome , exciting young men who do n't care for them at all while ignoring the nice , but rather ordinary , boy-next-door who thinks the world of them .
8 Do n't care for it at all . ’
9 Take the sport seriously or do n't bother with it at all .
10 Well they wan na , do n't matter to me at all I just think they 're dodgy characters .
11 ‘ I just do n't hear about it at all from the sales force , ’ he said , adding that he 's heard it referred to by some as Windows for Warehouses — ‘ because it sits on shelves . ’
12 I do n't object to it at all .
13 You do n't look like him at all .
14 So it all depends how you different people different personalities and that and erm right though I do n't agree with them at all what they 've done , erm as I said , If I do n't speak or if we do n't whatsit we going to ruin the whole thing we 're fighting for .
15 ‘ We are very upset they obviously have not listened to us at all , ’ she said after the policy committee meeting .
16 There 's nothing new that women have n't tried on me at one time or another .
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